Example sentences of "and [adv] that [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 Dillon and Mann L.JJ. held that he had erred in English domestic law , because he had misunderstood the Hoffmann-La Roche case as extending to local authorities a privilege which belonged to the Crown alone ; and furthermore that he had erred in Community law because , since it is the duty of the national court to ensure the legal protection which persons derive from the direct effect of provisions of Community law , it was necessary to require an undertaking in damages to protect any current right which Wickes might have , by virtue of article 30 , to open their doors for Sunday trading .
2 In the six years and more that she had been David 's wife , not once had she heard his voice raised in such dark anger .
3 ‘ Everything 5 kg and up that we had already measured the energetics of . ’
4 New developments in the production of clothing and footwear , involving the manufacture of cheap commodities for a mass market , meant that people were better clothed and also that they had a purchase on ‘ style ’ — including , as we shall see , ‘ youth styles ’ .
5 I trust that you have now received a list of the Social Work Centres and also that you had a profitable meeting with regarding the design of the front cover .
6 Since she was sixteen she had experienced life , and none of it had been good , except that she had given birth to a daughter and also that she had found out what love was , but had experienced the painful futility of it .
7 The Goldsmiths heard by means of anonymous reports that he was often absent , attending meetings of the Manchester and Birmingham Railway Co. during school hours , and also that he had become Rector of Northenden .
8 Following their defeat at the Wiltshire election of 1713 , the Whig candidates petitioned the House of Commons , complaining that the under-sheriff , in collusion with the two Tory candidates , had delayed opening the poll until the afternoon , " when many freeholders , who would have voted for the petitioners , were necessitated , by reason of the harvest , to go away without voting " , and also that he had " refused those who voted for the petitioners , and had a right ; and polled others amongst them , who had no right " .
9 He had himself frequently led patrols along the narrow roads and boreens that ran like veins through the countryside about Cork , and before that he had spent more time than he cared to remember in the muddy trenches and dug-outs of France with shells screaming overhead .
10 And before that he had brought her back from the world , home again into the enclave of the Scarabae .
11 But it wo n't be that much because I 've been out of things for the last year and before that I had shut my eyes anyway .
12 I had had nothing to read for three months , and now that we had some time to ourselves reading was a good way of distracting myself from the immediacies of life around me .
13 There had always been a feeling of pre-destination with Richard and now that they had both suffered so much it seemed stronger than ever .
14 As her knowledge of European art history increased and now that she had found the Musée des Beaux Arts in Paris where she felt comfortable and was treated with respect , her talent for recognizing saleable patterns , ripe for rediscovery , flourished .
15 What she did not know was that Moran , with his good looks and military fame , had once been king of these barn dances and now that he had neither youth nor fame would not take a lesser place .
16 Captain Duro was anxious to start the return voyage as soon as possible in order to avoid the equinoctial gales , and now that he had given his permission , Gerald saw no reason to delay his daughter 's departure further .
17 Though Thomas was greatly revered he had never been well off , and now that he had retired from government advisory jobs he earned nothing much except by writing .
18 And now that he had his muster here , what would the king do ?
19 It was something that she would never have thought possible and now that it had actually happened , now that she knew she was n't dreaming , she wanted it to last .
20 One could argue , then , that by July 1949 the battle lines had been drawn in Southeast Asia , and even that they had been drawn unilaterally , by the US .
21 He had been told very little , and even that he had difficulty in remembering because he was so filled with excitement and anticipation .
22 She had fallen in love with it so slowly and gently and sweetly that she had never noticed it had happened .
23 She was determined that there would be no reconciliation , and even though she had found that the sound of his voice reminded her vividly and immediately that she had loved him and could do so again she lay smiling with pleasure at the sheer satisfaction of unforgivingness .
24 Scarlet thought first that this sentiment could be attributable to Barbs , then that , in view of her own lack of a career , it was insensitive of Brian to mention it and then that he had said it out of spite .
25 She had found out painfully and publicly that she had been mistaken .
26 Erm I think looking through the actual resource sheet itself , I think we had more project administration time down , and certainly that we had more technical work supervision and you put more of an emphasis on , of actually looking after the lads .
27 5 Corps further reported that the Yugoslavs had not attempted to stop this northward advance , and therefore that it had " arranged to guide up ARMY GROUP E formations tomorrow " to receive them in Austria .
28 This implies two things : firstly , that in his original draft Robertson had included the words " Chetniks " ; and secondly that he had specifically intended that some " dissident Yugoslavs " should be excluded from the order .
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