Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb past] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Fonda examined the premise and eventually saw that they were making a much broader statement about the American Dream and the state of the nation itself at that precise moment in time .
2 She saw the puzzlement in the other 's face , and suddenly recollected that she had no notion to whom she was speaking .
3 Eggs and bacon and fried bread , it 's about half past nine , to do something else , but he came tearing in , I 've got to go to the office , she said , as though it was my fault , and he 'd rung to make sure everything was alright , got no reply , and suddenly remembered that his secretary was going to have appointment , there 's nobody there , so
4 Knowing exactly what was coming next , and her heart aching for poor Phena , Ellie said softly , ‘ And she could n't find any record of a David Anthony Kent having been born , having even existed — and so knew that her mother had lied . ’
5 I worked hard all week and so felt that I deserved them , I suppose .
6 Hoomey had long ago decided that he was the duff member of the team and knew that the worst score was discarded , and so felt that there was little onus on him .
7 I realized what a marvellous actor he was when I saw him in this and only wished that he had n't relied so much on the funny voices and hidden behind the easier way out of doing the characters that he could do so easily — and it was easy for him .
8 I could not understand this and only knew that I was angry .
9 She did n't bother tapping on the door but pushed it open and straightaway saw that her sister was n't in the room .
10 I had never heard the word and unwisely said that I did n't know what it meant .
11 They set out at dusk on 13 September and soon discovered that they were in the wrong wadi .
12 Slingsby first visited Norway in 1872 and soon discovered that he was in a country with whose inhabitants he had almost everything in common ; where the language was familiar to him from the vocabulary surviving in the Yorkshire dales , and where the temperament and customs were akin to his own .
13 Apple Computer Inc is stepping up its efforts in the non-Macintosh market , and yesterday announced that its Apple USA unit plans to create a distribution channel to sell and support Apple imaging peripherals — laser printers and scanners — for Windows , and will work with Ingram Micro Inc , Merisel Inc and TechData Corp to recruit Apple resellers over the next year .
14 Now , because everything we did or said might have had some effect on John , I found it hard to relax about any aspect and always felt that we had to do more , be more efficient , keep up the pressure .
15 She glanced at David and wryly saw that he seemed to be listening to this conversation with great interest .
16 He read a great deal as a child and later said that he read Euclid as easily as an adult reads a novel .
17 And then a letter saying , you know it 's personalized saying , Dear Mrs Smith , thank you for your enquiry , I 'm sending you the information you requested and also thought that you might like to have a l a leaflet about our bridal box .
18 The salutation seemed to open infinite possibilities , and expressed a recognition of his right to travel ; he felt welcomed , and also saw that he had been given something of inestimable value .
19 Berger discovered the alpha rhythm , running at 10 cycles per second ( Hertz , or Hz ) and also discovered that it disappeared if the eyes were opened , with mental effort such as doing mental arithmetic with eyes closed , and with loud noises or painful stimuli .
20 The Hon Secretary gave a resume of the events held so far and also said that he was pleased to have many requests for information and membership from a wide area of the country .
21 But the Supreme Allied Commander and the British Chiefs of Staff saw no military advantage in accepting this proposal , and also foresaw that it would create difficulties with the Soviet government , and therefore ignored it .
22 But he was making a life out there , and probably felt that there was no place here for him any more .
23 David listened and frankly avowed that he had not been conscious of all these grand ideas .
24 She did not appear to be unduly depressed and now said that she thought the act had been rather drastic , but did not regret it .
25 Franco , however , had already shown clearly that he wanted total victory and now indicated that he would contemplate nothing short of unconditional surrender .
26 MacArthur understood the danger from the Soviet Union and now stated that he knew a Soviet promise to observe Japanese neutrality could not be relied on .
27 She had completely changed her views and now declared that she was sure war was imminent .
28 Pennethorne protested that since 1845 , he had devoted himself entirely to the Office 's work and now found that he had lost all his work .
29 Christopher swiftly arranged for a six foot wall to be built along his boundary , and angrily muttered that it was going to have to be the Scottish islands .
30 The students tended not to regard physical science as a unified discipline , and often complained that they disliked either the physics or the chemistry ( usually the latter ) aspect of the course .
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