Example sentences of "and [adv] [pers pn] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I have had people ring me up at weekends and luckily I 've had the stuff and taken it back .
2 The ball come across and er I see Bedford had his back to the goal , and I could see he was going to swivel and hit it with his left foot , and I 've just come across the goal and er , he just hit it down low to my right hand side and luckily I 've come the right way and pushed it wide .
3 There was nothing there — men had to make their own markers or monuments , and eventually they had to build an entire landscape of monuments .
4 It serves no real purpose and eventually we have to pay for it to be taken away .
5 He also had difficulty remembering his lines , and eventually I had to write his lines on boards , on bottles , on door frames — anything he had to pass by or pick up .
6 She was quite happy to let me do my survey and eventually I had to make my excuses or she would have gone on chatting all day .
7 People add a little on and eventually I have signed for a club and sold my house .
8 This story did not impress the court who took the view that she had used a knife to cut off the head soon after its birth , and eventually she had to admit the truth .
9 It played on his mind for a time and eventually he had to work out a kind of therapy to get her out of his brain .
10 They 'd given him some papers , and somebody had gone to the cashier for his money ( it made a nice fat bulge in his hip pocket ; he patted it now and again as he walked , just to make sure it was still there ) and eventually he 'd signed some papers .
11 Erm one wonders whether that 's erm wise in the long term because once you 've closed down a coal mine of course you ca n't er re-open it very easily because the roof falls in and it floods and effectively you have to start again from er from scratch .
12 Norman on his wall has a a a list of er theoretical waitings for the different specialists at Orpington hospital and presumably he 's got one beside it for Queen Mary 's as well .
13 When you listen to one of the rather better Kylie records , they have taken a girl who does n't really have a great voice , who is an actress , and slowly they have developed a career where she actually now has a sound which is similar to some of the girly groups in the 60 ’ s , in a totally different way .
14 And slowly he had extended his grip .
15 And grimly he had retorted , ‘ Well , you know what that 'll drive me to . ’
16 We have been living in a jungle all our lives and we have struggled to bring our minds into cultivation but without hope and suddenly we have found this meadow of cleared land on which we can plant our gardens .
17 Now to many people community arts is a red rag to a bull because there is the feeling that a lot of these things start off quite splendidly as voluntary organizations , and suddenly they 've got their fingers in the public purse .
18 But that was good — not six o'clock yet — Dr Graham might still be at his office And suddenly I had to act quickly .
19 ‘ I remain confident about my ability to do the business at Premier League level , and suddenly I 've got the chance to prove this self-belief is not misplaced .
20 Then she breathes out and gives a real smile — one of those big things that brightens her face like a starburst — and I see she 's been frightened , and I sigh , and suddenly I 've got a lump in my throat and I 'm trembling and I do n't think I can move away from this wall .
21 In the car the contractions had started and suddenly she had felt excited .
22 And suddenly you 've become the thing you are :
23 Because all that happened to you , but you could n't use up your energy , you could n't help that child across the road , and suddenly you 've got to get rid of all that , and you take it out on the child .
24 But turn a corner , walk a few yards , and suddenly you have stepped back centuries , to the old town , a place where it is sleepy quiet and easy to believe all they say about Aarau 's eventful past .
25 And Heidi was going to phone to say what time she wanted collecting and so we 'd got to be back could n't be out too long could we ?
26 And so we 've seen how Ruth becomes involved with God 's people .
27 And what we 've got N here we 've selected as three and so we 've broken it up into three tuples because another rule in the method even though it can be broken is that each pixel can only go into one tuple .
28 On food control , the level of food hygiene inspections at seven hundred and thirty we 've achieved by buying in consultants to do some work for us in our priority area , and we 're were able to do that with Derek Welk 's retirement , leaving us with some unspent staff , and so we 've achieved a higher figure there than we expected we would do .
29 And so we 've said life is it 's gon na bring us problems , it 's gon na bring us storms , it 's tempests , and some of them are gon na be very , very fierce !
30 Mr Deputy Speaker that 's exactly what the authorities are asked to make sure about and of course they must have sensible plans so that there are always beds and facilities for those who need them , but in a way it 's a success of care in the community that that more elderly people are being looked after in their own homes and so we 've arrested the very rapid growth in permanent residential places which was occurring before the policy was introduced er , as we now see , despite some gloomy forewarning , local authorities have in general managed well in the first year of their responsibilities , they 've examined thousands of cases and many people have been helped to make decisions about their own futures .
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