Example sentences of "and [adv] [pers pn] be be " in BNC.

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1 Most of our brewing equipment has not aged nearly as well as many of you here tonight and so it is being replaced .
2 However a war like the one going on in Northern Ireland at the present is different because religion is being used as an excuse to fight and so it is being used as a negative force and not a force for the good .
3 He was arrested and yesterday he was being held in custody in London while detectives questioned him .
4 erm oh no , just sort of like , and like he 's being like , so considerate now !
5 And now they were being asked to come out in the open .
6 I had nowhere else to go and now I was being carried along — that ship bound for wrecking .
7 How the printers had got hold of her photograph she did not know , but they had , and now it was being sold all over London , along with ones of Lillie Langtry and other noted belles .
8 And then he went slightly relaxed and now he 's being a dick again .
9 He had always been against this extravagant gesture , he pointed out , and now he was being proved right .
10 This woman appeared on television with me and now she 's being asked to open supermarkets .
11 And now she was being carried along by the impetus of those two decisions .
12 There is a terrific amount of power in the Duncan Distortion and here it is being put to the best possible use .
13 And maybe it 's are n't there others who can ,
14 Honda have spent five million pounds on their Dream Machine … and then they 're are the adventurers … their cars are built for pennies from old bike parts … from wood and cardboard … and then they 're are the brits … the Central South car … the Solar Flair … built in a barn in Wallingford … its been designed and driven by Phil Farrand … he 's served his racing apprenticeship with the Williams Grand Prix Team as a research engineer …
15 Honda have spent five million pounds on their Dream Machine … and then they 're are the adventurers … their cars are built for pennies from old bike parts … from wood and cardboard … and then they 're are the brits … the Central South car … the Solar Flair … built in a barn in Wallingford … its been designed and driven by Phil Farrand … he 's served his racing apprenticeship with the Williams Grand Prix Team as a research engineer …
16 And then they 're being sponsored for Romanian Orphans
17 And then they were being really gross like going oh but you know we , we we fancy you , I was going
18 She felt the merest of touches on her hair and then she was being slowly turned around .
19 When the Cleveland affair was in the news in 1987/88 I wrote about becoming a father , which was the most wonderful experience — I felt completely liberated by it ; and then I was being told that all men were potential child abusers because they were so emotionally retarded .
20 in The Sun and there he was was saying you know , no we virtually we do n't want anything to do with the queen and all that
21 This study will investigate how these tools have been designed , and how they are being used , across a variety of Whitehall departments and public services .
22 Alkaline explains : ‘ It 's an angry track , just releasing the tension inside about how things are going with British rap at the moment , and how we 're being treated as a rap group .
23 the scale of the research and how it is being carried out
24 At the beginning of 1991 , we decided to look again at Cost of Quality and how it was being used in C&P .
25 I think that 's very important and I think it 's , there 's er actually , I have to say er I detect in 's letter because I am quite sure that a year ago she would have questioned the parish council 's existence , and indeed she 's being , erm , to my perception , highly critical of er the fact that the parish council has even dared to sort of taste the oxygen outside their own homes .
26 There was no sign of a stone circle , and I began to wonder whether I was lost — and yet I was being ‘ pulled ’ so hard that I was forced to run .
27 and yet I 'm being nailed
28 Attempts have been made to classify the various ‘ schools ’ of economics and law ; but convenient though these are , it must be borne in mind that the effective use of any interdisciplinary approach varies significantly according to how , where , and why it is being applied .
29 When asked why , one of them said , ‘ we did n't know what it ( the questionnaire ) was for and why it was being done .
30 I 'm glad to come back to you , and wherever you are is my home — my only home . ’
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