Example sentences of "and [pron] thought [pron] was " in BNC.

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1 The puppy was probably encouraged to jump up when he was small and everyone thought it was quite fun , but now he is large , and has probably just come in from a swim in the pool and Aunty is standing there in her Sunday best .
2 And everyone thought it was Gramps who was the father ? ’
3 And everyone thought he was posing but it was actually who did it .
4 I went in there and I thought something was burning .
5 ‘ I 'm basically a loner in a collaborative field , and I thought everything was possible , ’ says Newley .
6 He sighed , ‘ Maria Luisa had spoken to Fernando and you were together at the Casa Pinar and I thought everything was hunky-dory — ’
7 But I was young and Scottish and I thought I was the greatest .
8 It was the sort of look between us which would have started alert interest in me if I 'd spotted it between others , and I thought I was hear to losing my grip on what I was supposed to be doing , and that I 'd better be more careful .
9 And I thought I was knackered !
10 And I thought I was enjoying it . ’
11 The thing is , it 's a vicious circle , it 's Catch 22 really , 'cos I used to have a good self-employed business , going painting and decorating and I used to have a good clientele and that and I found over the years that , when it became harder and harder to score and the prices rocketed and all that , it got out of hand , out of proportion , that I was spending more and more time off the job than I was on the job , looking round to get the stuff and I found I was unable to carry on working without the drug , because I just felt so bad and I could n't climb ladders and I thought I was a danger to myself and anybody else that I had working with me , y'know .
12 and I 'd just finished training as a nurse and I thought I was really cool and calm and I would of reported it , but I did n't
13 And then there 's this technician or something here and they ask me to breathe in helium from a mask and make me repeat some of the things gorilla man said on the video so I feel like I 'm becoming him they 're trying to make me him ; I do n't think I sound the same as the guy on the brain-snuff video but fuck knows what they think there are too many to know what the fuck they think ; loads of them , officers from all over the fucking place with different accents , London , Midlands , Welsh , Scottish , elsewhere , God knows , it 's not just Flavell and McDunn though I still see them now and again especially McDunn who looks at me kind of weird most of the time like he ca n't really believe it was me did all these things and I get this bizarre feeling that he thinks I 'm kind of pathetic I mean that in a grudging , still-determined-to-bust-the-fucker way he actually has more respect for gorilla man than he does for me because I 've just gone to pieces under the questions and the things they put in my head with those photographs and that video ( ha which means gorilla man has already put stuff into my head , already has fucked my brains , filling my head with the idea of that , the vision , the meme of that ) and I thought I was some tough cookie but I was wrong I 'm just a dunked digestive baby I 'm soft I 'm flopping I 'm disintegrating and that 's why unless I 'm the best fucking actor he 's ever seen McDunn ca n't accept I was capable of the things gorilla man did , yet so much of the evidence , especially the dates and times that sort of stuff , points at me not to mention that piece of TV-crit I did that reads like a hit-list now .
14 Then I tried swimming , but what with the current and the fucking cassock — and then bang I got hit in the ribs like someone had kicked me and I thought I was a goner , it must be a rock I thought and I gave up and sort of passed out .
15 And my mother died not long before Christmas , and I thought I was doing fine .
16 And I thought I was unlucky , ’ she said huskily .
17 And I thought I was your first . ’
18 did he say for me and I thought I was going to go
19 and , , and they felt really bad apparently and they 'd apologized , you know , and everything was cool and I thought I was quite adamant though but they 'd , they , I 'm not used to this , you know , I 'm quite naive as Zoey says and I 'm not used to boys
20 And I thought I was gon na go , go home early at the end of the second semester cos I 'd have my exams .
21 ‘ My relatives used to come over and say : ‘ There 's nothing in the shops ’ , and I thought it was ridiculous , because there was plenty , ’ a 47-year-old lathe operator from Dresden told me yesterday .
22 And I thought it was those rats or my silly old brain and all the time it was you , young man . ’
23 7 make-up and I thought it was great .
24 In the afternoon he had a 34 for the first nine and I thought it was all over bar the shouting .
25 It always used to go out of tune and I thought it was the tuners , but in fact the trouble was with that old Gibson vibrola — a terrible thing , really cheap .
26 They hand-made him this acoustic guitar and I thought it was really beautiful , so I thought I 'd like something like that .
27 When I was at the GLC , Ken Livingstone was in charge and I thought it was the beginning of Utopia , so many wonderful things were happening at last .
28 These are some of the questions and comments I 've heard recently and I thought it was time to give some answers .
29 ‘ We 'd done nothing on the first two days here and I thought it was all going wrong .
30 Miki had her reservations : ‘ I 've met Kat Bjelland a few times , she was first with the dresses and socks , and I thought it was a good image .
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