Example sentences of "and [pron] can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Those three operations then are the measure of modern medical practice : cancers which might have developed from an enlarged prostate , some rogue polyps and a spinal tumour , any one of which could have proved fatal , were all pre-empted by discovery and cure ; and I can not be other than deeply grateful for this additional lease of life .
2 If my servant , acting bona fide within the scope of his authority , procures or causes me to break a contract which I have made with you , you can not sue the servant for interference with the contract ; for he is my alter ego here , and I can not be sued for inducing myself to break a contract , although I may be liable for breaking the contract .
3 As I am fully conscious of the importance of preserving national unity , I propose to give your Government complete support in the vigorous prosecution of the War ; but unity without action is nothing but futile carnage , and I can not be responsible for that .
4 If I go to a match in Europe , I come back to a stack of videos and I can hardly be bothered .
5 And I can hardly be expected to leave my three-year-old brother here in the care of a strange man . ’
6 It was a most fruitful involvement and I can never be grateful enough for what I learned about the long history of Burma and the Buddhist culture which was woven into the life of the people .
7 This conflict , it would seem , has come about because , broadly speaking , the human race has divided in its response to the vital choice that has been introduced in the foregoing paragraphs , and which can best be summarised as being between the following two major propositions .
8 There are several plastic tracks available , varying in strength , which are suitable for straight runs and which can also be bent successfully round bays .
9 Finding out which cars can and which can not is not difficult .
10 This too is a doom which must be faced , to know that which only few can know , and which can not be further explained . ’
11 The rest is the information locked up in people 's brains and which can not be left behind .
12 As always , however , these are nicely balanced by examples of people who have gone ‘ a bridge too far ’ , stuck with totally unobtainable ambitions and allowed the whole company to be pushed into the pursuit , usually , of a product dream which the market has quite clearly rejected and which can not be made to fly .
13 Conditions had been miserable — and yet , as we climbed aboard the waiting mini-bus , we shared an exhilaration peculiar to bird watchers , and which can not be explained .
14 What has to be decided is which non-meanings may be significantly regarded as existing " in their own right " , and which can not be so regarded ; what conditions must be fulfilled before a claim that a given topic does so exist can be accepted as meaningful ?
15 The re-emergence of feminism , which began as a flash of vision , and continued with an examination of the evils and gross distortions of patriarchy , and led to a whole variety of campaigns on behalf of women , now needs to concentrate on the differences between us as women which have divided us under patriarchy and which can not be allowed to divide us as feminists .
16 The seller will of course wish to restrict these conditions as far as possible and sometimes the conditions are restricted to events which fundamentally affect the business or value of the offeree and which can not be adequately compensated by an offer of financial or other compensation which the seller may be prepared to make .
17 Equally obviously , for any degree of smallness or crudeness of ancestral air-catching surfaces , there must be some distance , however short , which can be jumped with the flap and which can not be jumped without the flap .
18 It is maintained here that the constitution is nothing more nor less than the outgrowth of the ‘ realities ’ and not , as Lord Sankey and many others of us tend to assume , something distinct from them and which can therefore be contrasted to them .
19 Surrounded as we are by solutions of all kinds , each one supported by persuasive evidence of attested success , we can not but be tempted into the belief that somewhere among them there will be one which matches our particular teaching problem and which can therefore be slotted into our situation like a cassette or a computer programme .
20 Interestingly , the two clerks are first introduced to us as " " testif " " , " testy " , " headstrong " , a French-derived adjective with horsy connotations of its own and which can indeed be used of horses in French .
21 There is often a shared pattern of experiences , beliefs and attitudes which have all arisen within their particular generation and which can never be fully shared by younger people .
22 There are more than 350 lots , which were on view at Sotheby 's in New Bond Street , London , earlier this month and which can still be seen today and tomorrow at the Assembly Rooms before the sale begins .
23 Jonathan Culler 's brand of structuralism recasts the codes and conventions of structuralist poetics as a form of ‘ literary competence ’ that the reader has mastered or internalised before he or she approaches the text , and which can then be adduced as an explanation for the particular interpretation that s/he then gives of it .
24 We must find a simple picture-drawing rule that the computer can easily obey , and which can then be made to vary under the influence of " genes ' .
25 They included ‘ Flying Scotsman ’ and ‘ Mallard ’ , which in 193 8 set up the world speed record for a steam locomotive of 126 m.p.h. , and which can now be seen at York ( q.v . ) .
26 Exactly fifty years earlier , two scientists in the Physics Department demonstrated a device which changed the course of history , and which can now be found in 48% of British homes .
27 ‘ But whether , in the ordinary case to which section 5 of the Theft Act 1968 does not apply , goods are to be regarded as belonging to another is a question to which the criminal law offers no answer and which can only be answered by reference to civil law principles .
28 Yet if the customer is adamant that you must go and you can not be fitted into another niche where you would have no contact with him , you may be vulnerable to dismissal .
29 But there are a lot of cowboys out there , and you can not be too careful about whom you buy or rent your mobile system from .
30 And you can not be slaves .
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