Example sentences of "and [pron] we [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Inspector concluded , ‘ The questions we have to ask , therefore , and which we hope you may be able to help us shed some light on are , one , who was motivated to kill Hereward Marr ; two , what precisely might have provoked them to do it ; three , who drove the mini into the Broad and four , where is Mrs Marr at this moment ? ’
2 It serves no earthly use to recapitulate the damage that they do , and which we know they do .
3 It is time we take an honest look at what we do , how we do it and who we do it with , and learn to minimise the risks we take .
4 I think almost daily there were discussions between our two shop stewards and the quarry owners about you know , levels of production , expected targets , increase in production and all this , and er I think you know through those daily discussions we made our side of the argument known and we we told him that we 'd work to rule if things were n't proper and if we did n't like it .
5 No we 'll leave it entirely up to you and i it was n't English , I think he was Polish or or you know and erm some beautiful meals there was a stew that he did and it was beautiful and we we told him
6 Fearful storms sometimes come along our way and we we wonder what is happening to us and we feel that we 're being thrown around and tossed about from side to side , there seems no way out !
7 And we we see we 'd only have these small areas see .
8 and we we see what is fed to us there , we pick up , you pick up the you know , the comic strip papers you know , yo you see headlines there , most of it is is you know Tory sort of dominated .
9 There are , there are other ways to come by children , erm I have a relationship with a man who has three children erm he 's been married , he 's divorced , separated , and I do n't feel that I 'm replacing the children 's own mother , I feel like I 'm not even stepmother , I 'm just their friend , get on very well with them , and we we share I share mothering , if you like , with their own mother whom they see .
10 come back with it and we we give them a carrier bag erm to carry all the stuff in .
11 And it we drive it at sixty miles an hour , for two hours .
12 In those days the government assessed local authority needs according to a very in the grant related expenditure assessment , G R E A , greas and this is much more complex and sensitive measure of how much it costs to run a city and in those days what the government thought we should be spending and what we thought we should be spending seemed in fact to be very close indeed .
13 After a period spent talking about the Legion and what we thought it was going to be like , he turned to me , shook my hand and wished me good luck .
14 By keeping up-to-date-records of our objects and where they are we are trying our hardest to behave responsibly with what we have and what we know we have . ’
15 If we have a perfect fit between what we want and what we get we do not bother about priorities .
16 Jealousy is also linked with the question why ? and what we feel we are owed .
17 Er there was a lady fell over about two months ago on that footpath just at the beginning of the winter , and the cathedral council offered to pay for the installation of a light and what we did we contributed seventy seven pounds which is sixty including V A T to enable a second light to be installed because of the two steps on that footpath , one at each end , erm
18 And what we did we have .
19 And what we did we created a framework first of all with six pairs of opposites pairs of opposites and er if you remember this happened in a fairly slow and methodical way very much a left brain activity saying well okay is this a valid pair of opposites to do with that .
20 Dickie was in the gardens there , Pammie drove two tractor driver , Jo , Jo was the , where 's Jo , Jo was the dairy , milk , then I used to drive the other tractor when we wanted two , and what we did we all could take over from the milker when she was off , or Pammie , we could all interchange .
21 We are the paying customer , we are the boss and what we want we are entitled to get .
22 er and and and nice to know that we want to establish contact and you may be aware that we 've had this plan , and , and what we want it to achieve is so and so , and we 'd like to set it up in this way .
23 So I had a meeting with Dailey to talk about the workshops and so on , so we 've bashed out the format and er , and what we think we 'd like to do , but it 's partly dependent on D T I , because it is their event , and we want to be seen to hijack it .
24 Care versus control , genericism versus specialism , authority versus self-determination , which no matter how many innovative structures we construct and what we call them , are never adequately resolved .
25 and what we do we meet up by the golf course
26 He was only out of Yoxford a little way , and a friend of mine and myself we saw him coming — Sam James was his name .
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