Example sentences of "and [pron] is [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It falls on Thursday ; and everyone is hoping that interest rates do so , too — by another full point to 7% .
2 The European programme is , like the US Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile ( GOSIP ) effort , mandatory , and its is expected that most government buyers will follow the guidelines because they will have to give and explain reasons for non-standard purchases .
3 Primarily , though by no means exclusively , it is the English middle class which , somewhat self-consciously , ‘ appreciates ’ the countryside — and which is determined that others will not ‘ spoil ’ it for them .
4 Upper : the upper part of the boot which encases the foot and which is sewn or glued to the sole unit .
5 And who is to say that the topography of the Somerset village of East Coker is unimportant to a reading of Eliot 's four Quartets ?
6 And who is to say that whatever deal between the two sides is struck will actually last ?
7 In reality , a well-conceived general course may be just as coherent as a narrower one ; after all , the study of classics traditionally involves two languages and three disciplines and who is to say that classics is not both general and coherent ?
8 ( And who is to say that she was not a little piqued that her younger sister Shirley was already planning marriage ? )
9 Individuals may freely endorse an organisational culture or set of values and who is to say that they have been indoctrinated ?
10 ‘ Stress related injuries caused by the nature of the league programme are a new phenomenon and who is to say that all of those who have had to call off from this match will not still be in the same position when we go to play Portugal in our next World Cup qualifying tie ? ’ said Roxburgh .
11 Two of the expressions cited , however , are more problematic : ‘ I wish my estate to be Titius ' ’ , no doubt on the ground that it contains no words of transfer such as restituere ; scio , because it is not a request to pass on property , but an assertion of a conviction ( and who is to say whether that is justified ? ) .
12 The chiefs renege on the deal and she is stabbed as she tries to entice Odoff herself .
13 Nicola from Chartbury in Oxfordshire is very worried about her younger son , and she is hoping that some of you may be able to help .
14 Traditionally , her top class has spent a residential week at Paignton Zoo and she is determined that , given the restriction on charging for activities within school hours , the tradition will be maintained ad infinitum .
15 In the typical Western diet all the energy in protein is burned up daily and none is converted and stored as fat .
16 Complex problems can arise where one of the purposes is lawful and one is regarded as unlawful .
17 Prediction is inaccurate , and one is reminded that economic recovery has been forecast for years by a party in government that is supposed to have great financial expertise .
18 It 's terrible but I find I do exactly the same with my children now : they come in from school and everything is dropped and I say ‘ pick them up ’ and I try to stop nagging them because I remember how much I hated it .
19 There he became a renowned ornithologist where his work is recognised to-day as being of immense scientific value and he is accepted as being the father of American Ornithology .
20 Now the thing that seems to be the most interesting on the er face value of it , is er how it 's going to affect fuel consumption and transport , and he is saying that they 're considering whether further changes should be made in the taxation of er fuel and vehicles .
21 At the point when a person has no more pressing desires and needs and he is contented and feels fulfilled , then he is ready for the most wonderful experiences and the real joy of life .
22 Haymo found on a tour of the diocese that the Palace at Halling with its farming implements and utensils was in a much dilapidated state and he is quoted as saying the state of the property of the diocese was so bad that in seven years the damage could not be made good .
23 Ajax hath lost a friend , And foams at the mouth , and he is armed and at it , Roaring for Troilus , who hath done today Mad and fantastic execution …
24 If anything went wrong with any of the Cornish engines it was always Murdock who was called for , and he is described as ‘ flying from mine to mine ’ .
25 In reviewing recent empirical work on women 's consciousness , Beechey ( 1983 ) notes that : women 's class consciousness , because it is largely mediated through husbands ' employment , tends to be weaker than men 's ; many women , under the influence of capitalist and male-dominated ideology , remain unconscious of their gender-related disadvantages ; women 's consciousness probably varies over their life cycle ; and it is fractured and contradictory .
26 The extent to which these problems will be tolerated , and the measures adopted for dealing with them , will vary from school to school , and it is accepted that it would be impossible to lay down precise rules about the steps to be taken .
27 Library use is never evenly distributed throughout the stock , and it is accepted that some stock categories will only be used by a small number of readers .
28 Clients fill in a form that asks all sorts of personal questions and it is analysed and ‘ matched ’ to a likely candidate for their consideration .
29 The outlook is not entirely bleak and it is reckoned that of those who enrol at a clinic , for whatever reason , about 40 per cent will be drug-free within ten years , although within that time , too , 15 per cent of opiate addicts may well be dead .
30 Once a Bill or a proposed measure requiring parliamentary approval enters the lists and it is realised that an environmental impact assessment must be produced , and once it is decided to commission an environmental impact assessment it becomes public property .
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