Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] [vb -s] he " in BNC.

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1 He 's been doing it for centuries and now he thinks he 's king
2 And now he thinks he has the right to provoke me because of it ?
3 He was the leading European in both the Players ' Championship and at New Orleans — and even he admits he has not felt so confident since he approached the St Andrews Open of 1990 , which he won .
4 And then she wants him to go to bed after he gets hyper in n it ?
5 They bought out , this company have bought out a new tile and he said they 're looking for a sort of nice house to have as a sort of a show house and then he thinks he 'll get them for nothing .
6 I think if you went and saw our own doctors a lot of our fears would be allayed because most of the young doctors would n't , would recommend to you , my own doctor asked me all the questions and different things and then he says he 's a young doctor , he says if I were a women and if I 'd answered all the questions as you did , I would go on H R T.
7 He can come through Foxhall like and he , he 'd had to speed up he says and then he says he did n't carry on , like .
8 Fucking , fire 's this gun at him point blank and he goes and he stands there like this , and he , he stood there and he goes running round the corner sort of thing and then he goes he ca n't of missed from that fucking distance you know , and its that distance and er , in the , in the car , the mate goes , the mate sort of till he passed out , and he goes bring it to me , he goes , and its still alive , he goes , but matey in the front goes oh my he goes , I knew you 'd fuck up he goes and so they 're all blanks you
9 So off I goes — and then I hears him hollerin' … ’
10 So let Tom Graveney look at Hick 's stance and how it affects him .
11 He has no money to spend and yet he feels he has to strengthen .
12 And yet he claims he walked on the frozen moat this morning before our arrival . ’
13 The resident male who was displaced then comes back and looks after all the eggs , including those of the pirate and the reason he does it presumably in the first place he ca n't distinguish which eggs he 's fertilized and those fertilized by the pirate and secondly , he knows he 's fertilized some of the eggs and therefore it pays him to stay and look after all of them .
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