Example sentences of "and [adv] [art] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many of you will remember Her Majesty the Queen 's visit in 1984 when she opened the Queen 's Library at Sighthill , and perhaps a few of you will recall the Duke of Edinburgh 's visit in 1965 .
2 However , no more than about a dozen viruses have been produced on a commercial scale and only a few of these have been used on more than a few hundred hectares per year .
3 Patrick Chauvel and I could see things were about to happen in Panama , Noriega had declared war on America , but it was Xmas and only a few of us went there .
4 In this country between 5 and 10 per cent of cases of gonorrhoea in women go on to develop a degree of tubal involvement , and only a few of these will lead to peritonitis .
5 By comparison the scientist is burdened with his instruments and only a few of the greatest of them feel the infinite but the mystic is drowned in it .
6 I want you in dozens of different ways , and only a few of them have anything to do with actual physical desire . ’
7 But why should not one dying too soon for her years and too late by far for her comfort take pleasure in the sudden visitation of youth and freshness and beauty , however flawed , and all the more for its vulnerability and helplessness in a world none too kind to the weak .
8 When the steamboat touches the pier , you are met by a throng of canvassers from the hotels and private lodging-house keepers , and not a few of the holiday residents , who look out eagerly , in the hope of mayhap meeting friend or acquaintance or notable traveller .
9 Edward pushed forward the bounds of secular authority usually in reaction to some clerical move or in defence of the needs and customs of royal government ; but as much as by the king this boundary was advanced by his subjects , whether suing for their individual rights and interests through the king 's courts or acting as royal justices , and not a few of these aggressive subjects were in fact clergy themselves .
10 But her very virtues carried their own faults , and not the least of them was the possibility of her being upset by matters she could not understand .
11 Its distinguished pupils over the years had included such famous names in German cultural life as Klopstock , Fichte , Ranke , and Friedrich Schlegel ; and not the least of its products was a series of remarkable classical scholars , beginning with Ernesti in the early eighteenth century and proceeding through Bottiger , Thiersch , Doederlein , Dissen , Meineke , Otto Jahn , Nauck , Breitenbach , Bonitz and Wachsmuth to the illustrious Wilamowitz , four years Nietzsche 's junior .
12 ‘ From Casderigg brow , the fells of Newlands were admirably contrasted with the ancient road — Nothing is left root and branch is exterminated , and thus a few of the most lovely acres in the universe , have been despoiled for an exchange of corn and grass , while millions infinitely better fitted for the sustenance of man are almost wholly neglected … . miserable patches of green and brown , which pervade the denuded area , and now startlingly salute the traveller , on his way from Keswick and Brow Top to the fort of Casderiggs . ’
13 A chauffeur driven limosine was waiting at her home near Banbury to whisk Betty , her new outfit , and just a few of her many nearest and dearest to the Palace for the big day .
14 Elsewhere , ‘ he put a teaspoonful-and-a-half of coffee granules into his mug and exactly the same into hers . ’
15 It is expected that the Exiles team will be made up largely from players based in England , and possibly a few from France .
16 there are many people and probably a few of you here tonight , who have been members of the Church for a long time .
17 Some of the houses in this neighbourhood belonged to industrial barons , and even a few of the aristocrats played a leading part as entrepreneurs .
18 The addition of a bubble-up or other filter filled with carbon , to the stored water , also removes chlorine and quite a few of the other nasties that may occur ( though charcoal/carbon is far from a panacea for all ills — it DOES NOT remove ammonia , nitrites , and nitrates despite some manufacturers ' claims ) .
19 We were thinking about coffee at the time in particular , and quite a few of the people wanted to know that .
20 ‘ You and I — and quite a few of the nightclub staff — will be required to help the police put all the pieces of the jigsaw together , ’ said Adam .
21 When he said again and again no more of his wages would go to Ellen for his son 's upkeep she concurred , did not challenge the underlying assumption that Oreste was no longer his responsibility .
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