Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] would be " in BNC.

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1 It was pointless him going right through the centre because he was incurring far too much damage and eventually he would be shot down .
2 Success in one area of integration would spill over into others , and eventually there would be a need to coordinate and collectively govern the hitherto separate economic organizations : so economic integration would lead to political integration .
3 The answer seems to lie in facing up to the fact that one particular cycle or era has finally come to a close and therefore both personally and professionally it would be wiser to channel your energies into something new .
4 On the other hand , the quantum theory of gravity has opened up a new possibility , in which there would be no boundary to space-time and so there would be no need to specify the behavior at the boundary .
5 When they went out to a restaurant together , he would always complain — very loudly so that the proprietor would know who he was and so there would be people around about whom he could fuss were pestering him for his autograph .
6 However , in practice , if your claim is successful we would expect to recover all or most of your legal costs in addition to the compensation and so there would be little or no shortfall .
7 I informed Mr Kagan that I was something of a heretic so far as the minutiae of the Jewish faith were concerned ; on the other hand , I said , I had never concealed that I was a loyal member of the faith , and so I would be happy to have the boy to tea and talk to him about Judaism in general terms .
8 And so she would be she vowed , as she stared stony-faced at the gleaming brass and the glowing wood of the coffin .
9 Furthermore , apart from the fact that it is often unclear , as a matter of law , whether a decision is illegal or not ( and so it would be unsafe just to ignore it ) , it is not the case that a void decision is for ever void .
10 So it is under our present system , and so it would be under the RES , if it were nomination either for a safe constituency seat or for a high position on a party list .
11 Some have seen this as illogical , and so it would be if the only reason for the rule that the release of one joint contractor releases the other is that there is only one obligation .
12 And so it would be a case of actually negotiating with the council hopefully ?
13 The extent to which entomological publication rates are typical of the whole field of biology is unknown , however , and so it would be unwise to use his figures to compare biology with the earth sciences .
14 The extent to which entomological publication rates are typical of the whole field of biology is unknown , however , and so it would be unwise to use his figures to compare biology with the earth sciences .
15 And so it would be most interesting to see what sort of patent you can come up with for policy , and and and and and and we 'll see just just how you 'll meet that .
16 And perhaps they would be now were they in a full democracy — one that embraced the interests and votes of all the citizens .
17 Then the stance would only be ten feet away and perhaps there would be a hook placement ?
18 He had toyed with the idea of taking her to Dublin anyway , but they had had a rocky road enough already and perhaps she would be better at home .
19 And perhaps she would be able to let Rose Cottage , while she herself eked out a miserable existence in some dreary bedsit in Axminton .
20 Boeing paid for it all , and perhaps it would be well for the more cynically-minded who believe aircraft manufacturers are only in the business to make money to remember that Boeing had no legal obligation to contribute a single penny .
21 Money from the sale of an old cup that turned out to be valuable , that would be different ; Gran would take it , without much thanks to Ben for his trouble , and perhaps it would be the end of all her struggles .
22 Nevertheless , the day was wearing on and perhaps it would be a good idea — Twoflower thought — not to hang about in the open .
23 Erm this has been prepared by Mr erm and perhaps it would be helpful if he gave you the flavour of it .
24 Coupon values had been placed upon every conceivable article , and henceforth it would be illegal to buy anything without surrendering the appropriate number of clothing coupons .
25 Er time is progressing erm and obviously I would be interested to hear the debate .
26 my Lord I think so yes , erm if I can just say this I understand on the structures that a letter has been , er , an offer has been made by a letter erm of the structure and obviously there would be and that , that was done I think some time ago , erm and it might be my Lord how to what sort of structure is , but , but , erm I think from our side , erm we , we 've taken the first step and we 're going
27 Erm we have n't got anybody here with a beard so we ca n't demonstrate and anyway it would be a dangerous experiment if we did , but supposing you tried to strangle me and I 've got a big beard you know , a kind of Karl Marx style beard well a big beard , er you get your hands round my neck and what can I do ?
28 ‘ But for that youthful aberration on your father 's part , you and not I would be the Earl of Kinmuire , ’ Mr Harvey had said .
29 The place was peopled with ghosts and soon he would be one of them .
30 The mother was a good subject , and the little girl , and soon there would be a baby .
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