Example sentences of "and [adv] [adj] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 In every State the mass of the uneducated and a large fraction of the educated were deeply hostile to change , quite untouched by the intellectual currents of the Enlightenment and intensely suspicious of any government-inspired innovation .
2 This col is not enormously high , at 5,000 feet , but the view which it gives you is the vastest and most satisfying of any Pyrenean pass that I know of .
3 In fact , our fleet is known to be the youngest and most modern of any major airline in the world .
4 One or two ageing members of the team have encouraged younger men to join to ensure continuity , and so some of any funds donated may be allocated to training .
5 One or two ageing members of the team have encouraged younger men to join to ensure continuity , and so some of any funds donated may be allocated to training .
6 One or two ageing members of the team have encouraged younger men to join to ensure continuity , and so some of any funds donated may be allocated to training .
7 The Social Services Department also provided thirteen short-term and long-term residential units for children in care ( by 1988 their number had been reduced to eleven ) , none with wheelchair access and only one with any experience of caring for children with learning difficulties .
8 ‘ These have been extremely helpful in determining the shape of the epidemic and not subject to any criticism , ’ she said .
9 This section is not concerned with privilege but with the admissibility of evidence , and in our judgment its terms are clear , unambiguous , unequivocal and not subject to any exceptions .
10 of voting age and not subject to any legal incapacity to vote .
11 All statements of fact and information contained or referred to in the Information Memorandum dated [ ] prepared by [ Merchant Bank ] on behalf of the Vendor are true , complete and accurate and not misleading in any respect .
12 Though the Laffer curve strictly refers only to overall tax level , and not that for any particular tax .
13 Every day as I bought these papers more photographs involving the big two appeared and not one of any local side .
14 I exclude from the question of compensation the element of injury to the eye , which I feel was accidental and not due to any negligence . ’
15 The structuralists adopted Saussure 's conception of an analytical object , language , as structured in itself and not reducible to any external structures .
16 These WRI files are not printable everywhere , whereas ASCII text files are , a la notepad or any diddy wordprocessor , which makes them far more portable and thus usable on any old machine .
17 Only one player a year from List One , and just two in any five-year period , can be signed on by a county making it unlikely that Athey would be able to move .
18 Sexual abuse and violation Or a woman 's body is unforgivable and totally unacceptable in any civilised society .
19 Very wide or very narrow , the ideal tie should mark you out as solid , reliable and totally free of any artistic tendencies .
20 ‘ They are a people who ask for little but who are enormously and genuinely grateful for any help ’ , wrote one official who witnessed a terrible drought in Masailand in the early 1960s : ‘ They live a hard life uncomplainingly . ’
21 The professorship is tenable until retirement , subject to the provisions of the statute concerning the Visitatorial Board and also subject to any relevant provisions which may be introduced into the statutes as a result of the implementation of the Education Reform Act 1988 .
22 Northern Ireland excelled as usual , with an area total of £58.70 per member , well ahead of the national average figure and also that of any other single area .
23 Like Bilbo 's and Shakespeare 's winter songs , the ‘ breaking of the Gate ’ would take little rewriting to seem comprehensible and even colloquial at any time over the last half-millennium .
24 Cables are dangerous , and where there is more than one cable it is important to keep the glider straight and well clear of any other cable .
25 After 10 years of the Government 's ideological obsession with privatisation , deregulation and competition , and reduced financial support , we have a transport system which is the shabbiest , most expensive , most congested , most environmentally damaging and least safe of any economy , ’ he said .
26 Such questions are , of course , perfectly legitimate , and indeed necessary for any government prepared to expend large sums of public money on education .
27 However , the conceptual oppositions which structure Western philosophical thought , such as sensible v. intelligible , form v. content all imply that ideas , and indeed content of any kind , exist independently of the medium in which they are formulated : the word ‘ medium ’ itself conveys the secondary status that language is given in these conceptual oppositions , always de fined as a vehicle or an instrument of something separate from it which governs it from without .
28 The notion of God attacking someone without provocation might well seem horrendous , and quite alien to any theology of the Cross .
29 I find it difficult with × 7 , fairly easy with × 8.5 and very easy with any higher magnification .
30 Theta and Eta are in the same × 7 field with p and the obviously reddish q , as well as the open cluster NGC 3114 , which is not bright , but is easy to see with × 7 and very obvious with any higher magnification .
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