Example sentences of "and [adv] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 John Boraston took over as Principal Agent in 1912 , having been a professional organizer all his career and latterly chief agent to the Liberal Unionist Council .
2 A combination of these two aspects of treatment would thus appear to offer the most logical , sensible and widely applicable approach to the treatment of disease .
3 You will have read what I think to be a very reasoned and properly enthusiastic tribute to Alan by Peter his predecessor in the Chair , in this number of N C V O News , which incidentally I think is er , er , er , a considerable step forward from the various er , experiments , and the like that we have er , conducted over the years .
4 It is a piece with few reasons to be a film , and mercifully few pretensions to cinematic status .
5 He eventually managed to assemble about 170 of his foot , all that had survived , and some 450 horsemen , and led them southwards towards Coldstream , by what was long remembered as Johnny Cope 's road' , and thence next day to Berwick .
6 Judge Furner was still presiding over the county courts at Lewes after twenty-two years , and he continued to order defaulting and mostly absent debtors to be punished by having to spend short terms in the county gaol , for some time after New Years Day 1870 .
7 For instance the report argues that the actual overcrowding and potential greater overcrowding at the school is not so great that it can not be met with temporary classrooms and eventually new extensions to the school ( DDP : 11–12 ) .
8 Despite their consistent and eventually justified opposition to MacDonald , ILP disaffiliation from the Labour Party was regarded as an extreme measure to be adopted only if the Labour National Executive refused to make any concessions .
9 His explicit sense of personal grief and reactions to their deaths range musically in this vast symphonic threnody from a virulent anger and furiously hollow rhetoric to hauntingly elegiac meditation .
10 Being able to say these difficult , and intensely private things to her mother before the funeral was the trigger she wanted to be able to grieve genuinely and begin to feel the loss of her mother , rather than nurse the resentment she had had for so many years .
11 Benn is too much a product of his comfortable and intensely high-minded background to be able to understand why the common man ( let alone the common politician ) has more vulgar aspirations than plain living and high thinking .
12 Michael Fallon , his Conservative opponent , said : ‘ The Labour Party are the last and most recent converts to green issues . ’
13 The theory of bureaucratic authoritarianism ( BA ) elaborated by O'Donnell ( 1979 ) is one of the strongest and most influential challenges to the idea that the TNCs have exerted a benevolent influence on economic and political development , particularly in Latin America .
14 She visited him when he was under sentence of death at Wandsworth and he wrote one of his last and most affectionate letters to her .
15 I have left this monument to the last because it gives the fullest and most splendid expression to the first phase of fifth-century classical art ; and a comparison of it with the Parthenon makes clear both the essential unity of that style and the difference between its phases .
16 The MP 's on the Committee , who agreed unanimously on the report , criticise the Government 's record on energy efficiency , stating that energy efficiency " is the most obvious and most effective response to the problem of global warming " .
17 In the largest and most controversial privatization to date , the government announced on June 14 that it had sold Telecom to two United States companies , Bell Atlantic and American Information Technologies ( Ameritech ) , for NZ$4,250 million .
18 IN ONE of the quickest and most decisive finishes to a British title fight , the glamour boy of boxing , Gary Stretch , successfully defended his light middleweight championship with a first-round stoppage of Derek Wormald .
19 THE TWENTY-NINTH annual Belfast Festival which runs from November 4th to 23rd this year promises to be the biggest and most wide-ranging event to date .
20 It seems that existing residents have hardly benefited at all , as most jobs created have gone to those living outside the area , and most economic gains to international finance companies , property developers and construction companies ( see Goodwin , 1989 , for details ) .
21 To ensure the best and most appropriate access to that information , historians might be advised once again to pursue collaborative initiatives with scholars in other disciplines who will also rely as heavily upon such materials .
22 A short stroll amid the usual birches , boulders and close-cropped grass brings the first and most continuous section to hand .
23 His article on heraldry in the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica remains one of the best and most erudite introductions to the subject : he also made a shorter contribution to Shakespeare 's England ( 1916 ) .
24 One of the newest and most interesting additions to domestic lighting has been the tungsten-halogen , or quartz-halogen light bulb .
25 Ivan F Boesky , et al , the Commission began its largest and most notorious case to date .
26 As the earlier reference to the Rutli Meadow implied , the lake steamer service provides the simplest and most direct access to this property of the Swiss nation , which has its own jetty .
27 The task is to devise an organization that gives the greatest and most flexible access to the items and their contents , in a manner that takes note of the needs and the habits of the clientele and of such precautions as may be necessary for the protection of the library 's purposes .
28 As more Disability Arts Forums emerge and the involvement of disabled people and non-disabled allies increases , this is the most rapidly shifting and most exciting time to be working towards this aim .
29 Quite simply Nicolas Roeg 's best and most important film to date — an ideal festival choice .
30 If visiting or entertaining friends is difficult , this is the first and most important problem to be tackled , because maintaining ( or restoring ) this particular activity will do more than almost anything else to keep life in balance .
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