Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] off [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If students are going to be landed with a debt at the end of three years , they are going to choose vocational courses so that they can be certain of getting a job when they graduate and so pay off the loan . ’
2 To take a swab , net the affected fish into a bowl , take a plastic coverglass and gently scrape off a small amount of mucus .
3 It is going to be quite a fine balance between the need to cut spending , cutting taxation and not killing off the tender recovery , ’ he said .
4 By this time our conscious , if unspoken , strategy was to provoke the police into over-reaction and thus spark off a mass reaction against the authorities .
5 Sometimes , some of them would try and be clever and just step off the pavement .
6 Turn the cooked sponge on to this and carefully peel off the paper .
7 Ease the cheesecake out of the tin and carefully peel off the foil to serve it .
8 We repair to the kitchen and blithely set off the burglar alarm searching for the cat to cuddle .
9 He really is thrown in on the form of Jokester was out of the handicap when an excellent runner-up that day , and now races off a stone lower mark .
10 It seemed to her like the anus of the entire factory : a black tunnel that extruded the castings , still encased in black sand , like hot , reeking , iron turds , on to a metal grid that vibrated violently and continuously to shake off the sand .
11 To measure a ship 's speed , medieval sailors used to throw a log on a length of knotted rope over the side and then count off the knots .
12 Oh , he said , I expect in a minute the door will be flung back and I 'll be dragged off to some sort of temple arena where I 'll fight maybe a couple of giant spiders and an eight-foot slave from the jungles of Klatch and then I 'll rescue some kind of a princess from the altar and then kill off a few guards or whatever and then this girl will show me the secret passage out of the place and we 'll liberate a couple of horses and escape with the treasure . ’
13 His grandfather had explained that the only true way to bake bread was to burn it black and then rasp off the burnt extremities with a coarse file .
14 The correct way to shut the machine down is to type EXIT to return to Windows , quit Windows and then switch off the machine .
15 Perhaps the Minister could clarify the impression given by the Hon. Member for Tayside , North ( Mr. Walker ) , who believes that it is all right to buy from the public purse something for £2 million and then to sell off a fraction of it for £4 1 million a fortnight later as long as the proceeds of the sale go to buses .
16 The aim of the game is to gas as many Jews as possible and then sell off the residual gold teeth .
17 The borrower gets the amount of this loan , minus the unpaid balance of the original one , as cash in hand , and then pays off the full number of instalments needed to pay off the full sum .
18 Understandably , he decided there and then to write off the two weekly instalments he was due to collect from a customer there , and never to lend again in that place .
19 That was his Sunday ritual : over to Harry 's for cards as soon as lunch was eaten , and back at exactly a quarter after six , to read the Sunday papers and then sleep off the drink .
20 The Woman gave him one look and then switched off the light and Doyle settled himself in the chair and sat silently in the shadows .
21 He drove a few miles out of the village and then pulled off the road to wait for dusk .
22 David McCathie fought back from 22–12 down at 17 ends and almost pulled off a five on the last which would have secured another point for Essex but Paul Maynard continued his winning momentum to ensure the overall venue win .
23 Gent adopted a change of style for the fight and almost pulled off an upset , unbeaten Wharton retaining his championship by the narrowest of margins after the brutal 12-round battle was declared a draw .
24 What the government neglect to highlight is that these people have few rights and conveniently disappear off the unemployment register .
25 We have seen charts that describe the organisational chart of a police authority and yet miss off the lowly police constable .
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