Example sentences of "and [pron] child ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When he describes a mother 's death and her child 's bereavement , heaven knows you do n't need a picture .
2 Nevertheless , by selective choice , the articulate , financially secure and politically active can also indirectly contribute to school failure — not perhaps in their district and their child 's school , but in the schools and districts to which such influence is never brought ( or the area from which they have moved away ) .
3 However , by the time the CPAG came to give evidence to the Select Committee it had taken on board the idea of women 's financial dependency in marriage and had carried out a survey to discover the extent of mothers ' dependence on family allowance for their own and their children 's survival , irrespective of the level of their husbands ' earnings .
4 I felt my parents ' anxieties about both their own and their children 's lives so keenly that they became my own , quite against my will , and I had to fight to reject them .
5 The main aim of this project is to examine the relationship between parents ' facial expressiveness ( ie how facially expressive they are when feeling emotional ) and their children 's skill in decoding non verbal information ( in this case , their ability to recognise emotions from others ' facial expressions ) .
6 Parent governors have particular strengths to bring to the school in that they can share their own and their children 's perceptions at governors ' meetings .
7 The focus on the child-rearing implications of women 's employment has led to such detailed considerations as the relation between the employment status of mothers and their children 's health , and the possibility of an association between employment and the nutritional adequacy of pre-school children 's diets .
8 They will receive written reports annually and their children 's schools will be inspected every four years .
9 On becoming a head I was determined to try to give parents the opportunity to talk freely and frankly about their children and their children 's needs .
10 Their daughters and their children 's children hath spread throughout the land of Greater Glasgow .
11 It 's very likely that the Petites and their children 's children could be living here for another 100 years .
12 A few bloodied survivors , swearing that they , and their children , and their children 's children , and so on until the end of the world , would live and die with one ambition burning in their hearts : the prevention of another such apocalypse .
13 I think that 's a a lamentable state of affairs , and their children , and their children 's children are going to have to pay the price for the short-sightedness that 's going on now in the ivory towers of the of the city , the the banking institutions and the financial institutions of the country .
14 Although individuals who went to state schools have some chance of entering these jobs , public school educated elites largely reserve such positions for themselves and their children 's group .
15 As one who was in the vanguard of the battle to halt and then reverse the ratchet of socialism , I appeal to all who really care for their country and their children 's future : do not give history an opportunity to repeat itself .
16 When colleges of education in the 1960s were clamouring to employ Brian Way as their external examiner and his children 's theatre companies were a household name throughout the country 's education authorities , Dorothy Heathcote was relatively unknown in spite of having held her university post since the early 1950s .
17 And every evening , when Frith has done his day 's work and lies calm and easy in the red sky , El-ahrairah and his children and his children 's children come out of their holes and feed and play in his sight , for they are his friends and he has promised them that they can never be destroyed . "
18 And his children 's children cry to him alone .
19 They had to choose someone for the launching ceremony and our child 's name was first out of the hat .
20 They threaten not just our ability to enjoy our towns and countryside but our health and our children 's future .
21 Those benefits may be continued for a long succession of generations upon deserving objects , let us strenuously support our own undertaking : and may our children , and our children 's children feel an ardour even greater than our own in the cause of humanity ; so that as long as the County of Bedford exists , its Infirmary may be one of the chief objects of care , and one of the principal sources of its honest pride . ’
22 Well , we seem to be a society that is very much orientated to crisis management rather than prevention , and perhaps we 're very good at recognizing our human needs and our children 's needs in terms of their nourishment , their physical and intellectual development , but perhaps not quite so well acquainted with their emotional needs to feel safe and secure with the adults around them being in control and able to handle their lives and the world 's situation in a mature and secure way .
23 Stopping smoking helps your own and your children 's health , and research has indicated that it may reduce the chances of getting meningitis in your family .
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