Example sentences of "and [pron] in [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And everyone in Sweden feels the same .
2 A boy at school had broken his ankle playing football , and everyone in school had autographed his cast .
3 So that 's how things stood in those year in the the days before nineteen sixty nine and I in fact did learn about removals in the late sixties .
4 Nominal political authority is held by the unicameral People 's Assembly whose 250 members are elected every four years from a single list of candidates , and which in turn elects the Presidium and the Council of Ministers .
5 To what extent does schooling reinforce the structures of inequality which produce feelings of valuelessness and which in turn contribute to problems of deviancy ?
6 The great city — say at this period a settlement of more than 200,000 , including a scattering of metropolitan towns of more than half a million — was not so much industrial ( though it might contain a good many factories ) as a centre of commerce , transport , administration and the multiplicity of services which a large concentration of people attracts and which in turn swell their number .
7 By so doing he provides her with some immunity against the chronic depression which afflicts so many mothers of pre-school age children , and which in turn undermines their abilities as parents .
8 For the US , on the other hand , strategic weapons were those that were launched from the USSR ( or from nuclear submarines ) and which in turn gave greater opportunities for defensive action .
9 With that burden around us we have seen a reduction in the number of full-time officers being appointed by the union and which in turn has without any doubt had a detrimental effect upon the members who we serve .
10 B A er had a very clear dominance at Heathrow , erm it was a dominance that erm has effectively been erm given to them on a plate by the government , or successive governments over the last fifty years , erm and which in effect saw off you know , Laker , B Cal , Dan Air , Air Europe , erm and er and er and er it 's it 's them having that dominance and then being able to erm er effectively misuse that dominance by er by using the dom the dominance on say the routes which say Virgin Atlantic do n't fly to er actually damage Virgin on on on the routes that erm that we do fly .
11 In animals , the formation of sheets of cells which fold in various ways , and which in consequence come into contact with each other at specific points , is a common feature of development , and provides a partial answer to Weismann 's question .
12 So too , in this same period , did the Ehrfurcht vor Geschichte ( ‘ reverence before history ’ ) which had loomed so large in the historical concerns of much nineteenth-century thinking , and which in Harnack bade fair to become the great and chief obligation and dignity of the theologian .
13 Danov also confirmed allegations that 17 key files on the Markov case had disappeared , and he suggested that these had been destroyed by Gen. Vladimir Todorov , who had been chief of intelligence at the Interior Ministry in 1978 and who in May had fled to Moscow in defiance of an order not to leave Bulgaria .
14 It followed that her main associates and the figures to whom she was most naturally attracted , and who in turn revered her ascendancy , were self-made businessmen and smaller entrepreneurs , usually from the fields of finance , speculation , and investment .
15 He bought the lordship in 1313 , granted it to Régine de Goth in his will , and she in turn bequeathed it to Jean I of Armagnac .
16 And she in turn supervised her her own women staff you see .
17 A contract is a bargain and the bargain was that the Company made her the promise in the advertisement and she in return bought one of their smoke balls from a retailer .
18 He said : ‘ The priest is rather drastic in his actions and we in LIFE do not go along with it . ’
19 And we in turn thank her , for all the work she has done for the Society .
20 By stopping the Wages Councils this government , through the Employment Secretary , now it 's David Hunt , and we in Wales know enough of David Hunt .
21 It then went into the City to set up their own self-regulatory and we in fact went to see Mr Redwood and he was quite he was very quite blunt about it , he said well , they considered it when they were sid considering the investors compensation scheme , but the sum involved in pensions are so great , that they could not afford to underwrite a pension er a compensation fund for pensions , so therefore there 's a pension fund for for private investment , but not a pension fund er compensation fund for , for occupation .
22 He explains : ‘ We bought two initially and put one in Scotland and one in Wales to see if the ladies liked them .
23 Employers and their advisers reacted , many for the first time , by taking a good look at contracts , and they in turn became experts .
24 Although only 6 per cent of children are educated in them , they exert considerable power , because the social elite are amongst those educated there and they in turn become successful in industry and business .
25 The assembly passed it to presbyteries and they in turn passed it on through their billets to ministers who in turn were supposed to pass it to sessions and it was supposed to be discussed at session level and turned down to ordinary congregations .
26 The Misses Wynne sent two other ladies , rather considerably older than themselves , with a heavy recommendation and they in turn sent a widow and her daughter .
27 Yet Anna Merz learned to love rhinos ; and they in turn rewarded her with total trust and affection .
28 The development officer felt she could not work with them , and they in turn did not welcome the Home Support Project .
29 The ‘ Beeb ’ has been kind to its commentators — thirty years is a long time in television — and they in turn have served it well , adjusting cleverly to the growing informality of broadcasting without ever quite forgetting the august institution in which ‘ they serve ’ .
30 Now we , let's say for instance we 've got five hundred thousand members of the church , and they in turn have a circle of friends and relatives of ten now you do n't need to be a mathematician to find out that 's five million .
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