Example sentences of "and [pron] know that [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But it 's definitely a unique sound , with that percussive effect that ca n't be recreated on an electric bass — and I know that because I 've been getting sampled a lot recently …
2 ‘ But the thing about Robbo is that he is a determined beggar and I know that if I ask him , he will say OK if he 's ready .
3 And you know and I know that when I come home after a nice relentless day at the rehearsal rooms , it will look like Versailles , Southfork and Designers Guild rolled into one .
4 And I know that when the pressure is on , I can get up and take a 20-minute walk around the reserve and come back again .
5 All that stuff on our first two records I think is really cool and in some ways I prefer it to what we 're doing now , and I knew that once we took any of those songs and put them in an electric context people would go , ‘ Duh , it 's a good song ! ’ .
6 But then the feet began to stretch wider and wider apart , and I knew that when the feet were as far apart as I was long , I 'd fall through to the heaving belly beneath .
7 Then she was blowing up like a bubble herself and getting fatter and fatter and more and more bulbous till she filled the whole sky and I knew that if she burst the explosion would drown me in mud too , and I could smell the slurry in my nostrils already and it was getting up my nose and I could n't breathe and …
8 The instruments those guys use are completely different from guitar and I knew that if I could emulate the phrasing of those instruments then I would be breaking new ground instead of just playing the rock phrases that everybody knows .
9 ‘ I felt guilty enough to want to help the marriage succeed because I 'd introduced them and had n't thought to warn Rachel , mainly because I did n't find him attractive myself and he 'd never come across as the great seducer with me , and I knew that if it did n't work , it would turn out to be a lifelong trap for her .
10 ‘ My career is precious to me — and you knew that when you married me .
11 You 'd either a cart or a horse and cart , or a tractor and trailer , and you 'd nice peat , and all these heaps of muck and you knew that when there was n't anything else to do you 'd got to get out there and spread it .
12 sharing your life with someone , you want to be with that person and you know that if any thing happens you 've got that person to rely on and I think if your alone you do n't have that .
13 that 's right and you know that if the staff has put theirselves out to make a decent crash in their environment they 're gon na go mad at the children if they muck it up , so therefore , you know , you 're gon na have that
14 You know that if they can do it for you , they will , and you know that when they 're on screen , they 'll do their damnedest to make it all work .
15 that 's right , and who knows that when we go into Smiths in Woking it might not be so busy
16 She saw him cross impetuously to his wife , lift her bodily by the waist , and kiss her heartily ; and she knew that before the latch clashed into place they were in each other 's arms .
17 Later , when she went to the dining-room , Lucy was still simmering with resentment , and she knew that unless she pulled herself together it would begin to show .
18 But Folly was in no mood to have her character analysed — and she knew that once her mother started on her favourite hobby-horse she was quite capable for going on for hours .
19 He was far too sharp to miss how evasive she was being , and she knew that once the police had left there would be more questions to answer ; however , that was the least of her concerns .
20 He was a real old country doctor , of a type that is fast dying out , and she knew that if she had been a few years younger he would have patted her on the cheek .
21 And she knew that if she had been made welcome from the start , she would still want to be with them , in spite of this comparative luxury .
22 On each occasion , every available manservant had been posted to keep watch for soldiers , and she knew that if ever there was a night Tristram should not come visiting , this was it .
23 Her emotional upsets were beginning to take their toll , and she knew that if she thought about the hopelessness of her love for Silas she 'd begin to weep .
24 She said she 'd realised how tired your parents were becoming and she knew that if she wanted to remain at home on a long-term basis she would have to have some form of respite care .
25 There was a thread of affection growing between them and she knew that as well as Jenna did .
26 Nothing could have prepared her for the beauty they had just shared , and she knew that for as long as she lived she would never regret giving herself to this man .
27 And we know that when they 're finished , though God knows when that will be , the schemes that survive must all be sent on to Whitehall where Trevelyan , and Trevelyan alone , will pronounce upon them .
28 Anyone who wants to change anything will have to somehow change it without altering the figures because they 're settled and we know that if we ever go back to No. 10 or the Cabinet we 'll always get the backing of the Prime Minister and the appellant will always be overturned . ’
29 But cancer may take decades to develop , and we know that if we are prepared to make certain changes in how we live , we can help to protect ourselves .
30 But field staff fear that this might not be appreciated in head-quarters where senior officials might be unfamiliar with their routine strategies : ‘ One can say that because you have n't taken any stats in the last two years it 's because you 're a good lad , and people who you may have to take stats upon know that you 're around a lot , and they know that if they 're naughty it 's a two-edged thing , you can look at it two ways . ’
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