Example sentences of "and [pron] [is] also [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The successful schemes were unsentimental and transcended the apparent dilemma posed by the design brief which asked for a building which related to preformed and powerful sensibilities and beliefs about life and death and which is also required to be effectively energy conscious .
2 Zuckerman is seeking to deny the traditional connection between illness and psychic division which is reaffirmed in the novel as a whole , and which is also reaffirmed in The Facts , and at the same time to deny that there is a traditional belief in division or multiplicity , a long-standing sense of selfhood as a chimera .
3 Demeter 's symbol is the ear of corn and she is also linked to the bee in Classical literature , due to her industrious nature and nourishing function .
4 Novell Inc chief financial officer James Tolonen says he is comfortable with analysts ' estimates that the Provo , Utah company will do between $1.00 to $1.05 a share on an operating basis in the fiscal year to October 31 compared with $0.81 a share last fiscal ; the acquisition of Unix System Laboratories Inc will require a one-time charge of between $0.30 and $0.60 a share , which will probably be taken against third quarter figures , and there is also expected to be a $0.02 a share amortisation charge .
5 Gerstner is a colleague of Akers on the board of The New York Times Co , and he is also said to know former IBM chief executive Thomas Watson Jr , who lives in the same Greenwich , Connecticut suburb as Gerstner .
6 Gerstner is a colleague of Akers on the board of The New York Times Co , and he is also said to know former IBM chief executive Thomas Watson Jr , who lives in the same Greenwich , Connecticut suburb as Gerstner .
7 ‘ If you turn an Italian trecento panel upside-down you have an abstract ’ , and he is also fascinated by the constant struggle between fine art and illustration in many modern paintings .
8 Three bits of documentary evidence exist : his signature is found confirming one of the of Haci Ivaz Pasa , dated 22 Dhu " l-Hijja 827/15 November 1424 ; according to Husameddin , his signature likewise appears at the top of a dated late Rabi " I 828/mid-February 1425 ; and he is also reported to have registered the of the Ulu Cami in Bursa ( built by Bayezid I ) , dated late Shawwal 828/mid-September 1425 .
9 Now , I hope I 've got these facts right and I 'm sure that not , that Eileen may correct me that er we have er forty hundred pounds in the budget , budget for this er the erm South Wales congregation has , has kindly erm given us grant of a thousand pounds and I understand from the secretary of con , Cardiff congregation , and he 's also offered a thousand pounds I do n't know whether we 've got that yet ?
10 And he 's also managed to sneak in some live music from Mary Chapin Carpenter , who 's been touring Scotland this week and is about to hit the big time .
11 And it 's also intended it will become instant maybe at the year end and then be decaffeinated but that that is more in the distance because of the unit cost in , in the process .
12 It [ being at polytechnic ] has broadened my outlook , and it 's also narrowed it — science-orientated .
13 Finally this study has given me a good idea of what life has been for people living in the past in America , where as before , I would n't have had a clue and it 's also taught me that no matter how many times you read a book , you 'll always find new links and connections .
14 And it 's also known that breastmilk has a special value for babies most vulnerable to infection , for example those born ill or premature .
15 The area is rich in raw materials such as timber and construction materials and it is also planned to attract ship repair , machinery manufacture and electronic assembly plants .
16 This dust is sometimes called fines , and it is also called soil but this is a poor term because it implies an organic component , which is absent .
17 You will find the prevailing rate of interest shown daily in the Financial Times and on Prestel , and it is also displayed in all our branches .
18 ‘ Someone takes five copies out of Sarajevo where it is faxed through to Geneva , phoned to Zagreb where it can be relayed by fax to London and it is also printed in Tuzla and Zenica . ’
19 As we have seen , the business is very close to oil and natural gas in many ways , and it is also geared to dealing with large utilities like British Gas , British Coal and the Central Electricity Generating Board — when clout helps .
20 I emphasise the reference to ‘ accord and satisfaction ’ in the judgment of Parke J. , and it is also referred to in that of Taunton J. This case , however , was one of joint contractors .
21 This love for their land is refreshing — they consistently enthuse about their country rather than being swift to bad-mouth it — and it is also reflected in their desire to protect large areas from exploitation .
22 From the survey , it would seem that many bureaux which own the microfilm system find many uses for it within the bureau when it has not been taken out for an outreach advice session ; it is used for training purposes in order to demonstrate access to and use of information in CAB advice work and it is also used for giving talks to outside groups .
23 The film is available from larger stationers and art suppliers , and it is also used to protect the covers of books .
24 This is the method of knitting Fair Isle on the older push-button machines and it is also used with the ribber and double bed colour changer for double jacquard .
25 This is adopted as a measure of output in industries such as advertising and a range of personal services , and it is also used as a proxy for output in the public sector , with services such as education , defence , the fire service and public administration .
26 An individual 's field can reveal its sex , age , and emotional state , and it is also used in courtship displays .
27 It has its own associated pattern of atmospheric circulation , named after Sir Gilbert Walker who identified it early in this century ( Figure 3 ) , and it is also associated with changes in the pattern of surface temperature .
28 A list of instructions for a computer is called a program ( this is standard American spelling , and it is also recommended by the Oxford Dictionary : the alternative , " programme " , commonly used in Britain , appears to be a Frenchified affectation ) .
29 For example , there is growing evidence showing the relationship between poor housing conditions and poor health , both physical and mental , ’ and it is also known that poor housing adversely affects educational attainment , and that overcrowded conditions can lead to domestic tension and perhaps violence .
30 Like coffee , legend surrounds the beginning of tea drinking and it is also reputed to have kept awake an ancient priest throughout a long vigil , stimulating him with its caffeine .
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