Example sentences of "and [pron] [is] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 And she 's delighted that you have accepted the invitation to address the European Commission on the subject in Dublin .
2 I 've just been round to see Mrs Reynolds in the village , and she 's adamant that all the kitchen and scullery windows were closed when she left at nine-thirty .
3 She says it 's peculiar nowadays to go to a single sex establishment and she 's glad that men will now be able to go to Somerville
4 Langer has done a good deal of research into the evaluation of this approach to schema activation , and she is convinced that is helps poor readers and good readers alike to learn more from difficult textbooks .
5 I know what it is to be alone , to fear death , I know and she is unaware that I know , and yet I have to go to her , I have to leave the safety of my room .
6 A few days later , an irate Mrs Jacobs was in touch : ‘ She stated that neither she nor her husband saw our representative and she is annoyed that ‘ some person ’ should have questioned her servants about their private affairs . ’
7 Now that the trading floor has disappeared and everything is electronic that protection has been removed .
8 And there 's some that are er non-famous it 's got a load of in Hamlet .
9 I know from my own life of faith that my thoughts , my words and my often fail to match up to the Christian ideal there is much that I do that hurts other people and there is much that I do that does not reflect Christ .
10 this has got costs back on to a sensible basis , and he is convinced that this assures the Company of its place at the forefront of the european industry .
11 ‘ The present offer is an absolute insult , but Lennox is getting worried and he is adamant that he wants to fight Bowe .
12 Maloney said : ‘ The present offer is an absolute insult , but Lennox is getting worried and he is adamant that he wants to fight Bowe .
13 PR IS still about telling the truth , maintains Alan Burnside , of Alan Burnside Communications , Holywood , and he is adamant that without credibility as a truthful source of information , it is impossible for PR to operate successfully over time .
14 Rizzo 's much favoured cheesecake delivers a 60 per cent reduction in the calorie count by replacing cream cheese with Ruby , and he is confident that specialist food manufacturers can improve further on what Staley has achieved .
15 The company 's performance in the first quarter of 1993 would certainly back this projection up , he adds , and he is confident that this trend will continue now and in the foreseeable future .
16 And he is optimistic that Customer Systems , and the wholesale finance arm in particular , will benefit from this penetration overseas — it should be able to generate business on the back of existing contracts , he reckons .
17 These , and other changes , all contributed to the doubling of productivity within those six years , and he is optimistic that it could be trebled as a result of the fast , electronic and computer assisted information that is now available .
18 I have spoken to your constituent and he is happy that I should cite his case , because it demonstrates the way in which things are happening .
19 Providing a coroner has considered the result of a post mortem examination and he is satisfied that there is no reasonable cause to suspect an unnatural death , then he is entitled to proceed under section 19(1) and to decline to hold an inquest .
20 One of his regrets is that in four series against West Indies his record is very ordinary — one innings in which he took eight wickets , but little else of note — and he is aware that not having proved himself against the best team in the world will be held against him when reputations come to be assessed .
21 For now Ted is concentrating on recording Des O'Connor 's new game show called Pot of Gold and he 's pleased that he 's regarded as one of the best in the trade at warming up people .
22 And he 's convinced that he pinched a Jacobite Guinea from a widow in Berthing .
23 The business has changed beyond all recognition since Cyril started out in bakery aged 13 … and he 's concerned that independent bakers like himself may soon be a thing of the past .
24 So he 's got to be careful , and he 's worried that he might give himself away by some tiny flicker of expression .
25 And he 's worried that the pollution could spread .
26 Executors we 've dealt with and expenses , alterations I 've just dealt with er Oh if you want to change you mind , and remember a will is only a piece of paper until you die , you can change your mind as often as you like I have made a will in the past Four wills in one year for one of my clients , his right he 's perfectly entitled to do that er and it 's better that you alter it frequently if your circumstances change than that you do n't be aware of how things go in the way that you do n't want them do .
27 This is Brando 's first film since 1980 and it 's good that his old campaigning fire was still sufficiently there under the millions and the sloth to pull him into this .
28 Nadia : I am from the General Union of Palestinian Women and it 's good that I am participating in this meeting at this time because I am having major problems with the British Feminist Movement and the Western feminist line .
29 There will be , certainly , and it 's necessary that there be pressures to keep things under control .
30 And it 's odd that you did n't notice , when the bug was put on ’ .
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