Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb past] that they " in BNC.

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1 It had been a hard year , the public felt Lauda had been ill done by , and everyone felt that they were seeing the apotheosis of one of the great drivers and the first signs of greatness in his natural successor , Alain Prost .
2 We all worked and lived at the same place and it seemed pretty cool to me at the time , but it started to become more and more negative until it got to the point where I wanted to leave … and I realised that they would n't let me !
3 I knew nothing but shadows , and I thought that they were real .
4 Of modern poets , I had of course spoken to the boys — and to the masters for that matter , for most had ventured no further than Hardy and Houseman , like the Brasenose dons — of Eliot , Pound and the later Yeats ; and I discovered that they lapped this up as if slaking a mental thirst .
5 He said : ‘ They did not have certain top-class players out there , but the majority of those who came in were £1 million players and I felt that they would be fighting for a place in the Cup replay . ’
6 The guards were apparently not given any regular weapons training and I felt that they really carried the weapons more as part of their uniform and tradition than because of absolute necessity .
7 And I felt that they did need some kind of ongoing support .
8 The lady was very talkative , and I gathered that they were on the edge of a big estate .
9 And I saw that they were the feet of a fish-scaled claw-toed monster …
10 They seemed to be watching me , and then one of them waved , and I saw that they were Megan Lloyd and Ann Tracy .
11 And I beheld that they called that ‘ Beating the time ’ and although it was beaten , most forcibly , the musicians were never together .
12 You mentioned the accounts of the Maxwell Charitable Trust as having five hundred thousand of assets , I saw those accounts for the first time the other day and I found that they had five hundred and one thousand of assets of which er five hundred thousand consisted of a a purely hypothetical transfer of an asset from a Liechtenstein trust to the U K trust and that asset had no valuation done on it as far as I can make out a and no reference to any valuation appeared in the accounts , so we actually had B I M apparently owned by a charitable trust on the face of it with figures of five hundred and one thousand of assets , but in practical accounting terms and valuation terms , no evidence that those five hundred and one thousand pounds er of assets had any valuation approaching that figure .
13 I therefore went into a meeting at in December and er we were presented with a report , we did n't receive it before the meeting , it was taken at the meeting and we said that we would n't discuss it if it related to night flights and again I wrote immediately back to the department of transport and I suggested that they should erm spend the report which I refer to , monthly figures of night flights so that the night flights could be monitored .
14 During the recent troubles in India , many of the people who came to this country and who said that they were refugees from oppression by the Indian Government were proposing various forms of armed or violent protest against that Government .
15 Their skimpy costumes were decorated with two huge ostrich plumes , attached to their heads , and to their backsides : and she saw that they were harnessed to look like two ponies .
16 He chatted on about them for the rest of the journey , as she had hoped he would , and she learnt that they could n't be better looked after .
17 As an adult she was able to see how wrong it was and she knew that they were indulging in something they should not have been doing — although in her childish innocence she had not been aware that it was anything more than an extension of the love and affection she felt for other members of her family .
18 The sunlight from an open window shone into his eyes , and she noticed that they were exactly the same shade of green as Stephen 's , and just as opaque .
19 Then her eyes slowly began to focus and she realised that they had n't just been tossed on to the bed .
20 And she said that they seem to be selling more
21 Then she saw how the Oxo boy on the advertisement hoarding smiled and she realized that they had come a different way by a different route and that she was nearly at Mrs Parvis 's boarding house .
22 She had n't thought about how much of her hour remained , until bells started ringing , and she realized that they must have gone for her .
23 Both glanced at her curiously , and she guessed that they were brother and sister , with the same large , rather vacant brown eyes , and amiable bovine faces .
24 She remembered what he had said about steering clear of married women , and she decided that they probably were n't , not that the thought gave her any pleasure .
25 The ceramics particularly impressed her and she found that they were referred to in the catalogue as " agitational chinaware " .
26 Other departmental proposals were considered : They were all valid in their own right , but … too narrow , and we felt that they were ones which we would have to attempt to deal with out of capitation .
27 We simply took it for granted that women can function well in psychology in all kinds of settings , and we showed that they could by doing our work .
28 We thought we detected more than a hint of irony in this answer , and we suspected that they were smugglers .
29 And they reiterated that they would like Becky to stay in for tests but Jenny could come home , and Becky was a bit jaundiced you see .
30 The shorter prologue of Lex Salica states that With God 's help it pleased the Franks and their nobility and they agreed that they ought to prohibit all escalations of quarrels for the preservation of enthusiasm for peace among themselves ; and because they excelled other neighbouring peoples by force of arms , so they should excel them in legal authority , with the result that criminal cases might be concluded in a manner appropriate to the type of complaint .
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