Example sentences of "and [pron] [pers pn] [vb past] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Er but I used to tell people and they you know people near me that had a lot of children and er they 'd moan and groan about it , I heard one woman say erm , she 'd had quite a few children and I I 'd been in hospital and I said er , er a certain person that 'd had a baby had lost it .
2 Some of the people who complain most bitterly about the community charge are those who discover after their homes have been repossessed that they must pay the charge not only on their new property — because it is imposed on the individual — but on the property which they lost , and which they thought was now the responsibility of the building society .
3 Thus flighted , I sent them shooting out over the mud and the water towards their suffocating ends ; then I buried them , using as coffins the big matchboxes we always kept by the stove , and which I had been saving for years and using as toy-soldier containers , model houses and so on .
4 " The Independent " argued that it could not in natural justice be bound by an order made against another newspaper , on different facts , and which it had been given no opportunity to oppose .
5 He was aware of how professional he must appear to her in his preparations for what she saw as killing and which he had been trained to see as protection of the innocent .
6 It was a question Marian had been expecting and which she had been asking herself but to which she did not know the answer .
7 Of course , she was often questioned , but had no intention of intruding on privacy — a commodity which she herself prized so highly , and which she knew was difficult to attain .
8 Agnes , tanned , huge , all beads and bright caftan , determined to give birth in the lotus position ( in which she claimed the child had been conceived ) while going ‘ Om ’ , refused to answer any of my father 's questions about where she had been for the three years and who she had been with .
9 And she and she she 'd been out she would n't come out
10 He respected the law , and everything he said was qualified by it .
11 ‘ I enjoy a joke and everything I said was light hearted .
12 I was afraid of them and everything I did was wrong . ’
13 Well , we put the flag up at dinner , and what we got was Jim Charlton , a nineteen-year-old student from Liverpool .
14 ( Perhaps this was where the first shock to people in the field arose 0 as one said , ‘ we were expecting an all-singing Branson man and what we got was , although he could be very charming , a quiet , distinctly unvibrant and very determined person ’ . )
15 ‘ We were frantically busy , ’ said Lois Brown , manager of Waterstones in Royal Avenue , Belfast , ‘ and what we noticed was the rise in the number of people that were making purchases with credit cards .
16 Dead Poets Society was quite a surprise film treat when we got back to the Farm , but as we watched , I noticed a certain relationship with the storyline and what we had been talking about .
17 So we re we revamped Neighbourhood Watch , and what we did was er is er instead of going to everyone 's house we have this meeting at the beginning just to discuss crime prevention and er tell people what Neighbourhood Watch is about .
18 GRANT took Tottenham in 1987 with a 4,141 majority ; he was already notorious for his comments made after the Broadwater Farm riots in 1985 — ‘ the youths around here believe the police were to blame for what happened on Sunday and what they got was a bloody good hiding ’ .
19 Officers employed in northern Europe , where much of the navy was inevitably disposed , had little patronage at their disposal , and what they got was obtained only after a battle with the Board of Admiralty .
20 But they knew too little about him and what they knew was bewildering .
21 What what we must n't do with Honey and Munnford is just take things at face value because what Honey and Munnford did is they actually carried out interviews with a thousand people and what they decided that I mean they carried out interviews with er lots of people thousand and they had a general study where they carried out interviews with a thousand people and what they said was that in particular with the reflector a l some , some scores are naturally higher than others and that what we ca n't do is just sort of look at these and say well this is the highest score , therefore I 'm much more of a , of a reflector than I have of , I am of the other three , all we actually need to do is compare our scores against the general norms .
22 Coopers ' determination was a brief letter referring to the sale agreement and what they had been asked to determine , and stating the answer : " We determine that the sales amount to £2,527,135 " .
23 What they pleaded for was further experimentation and what they hoped was that the new techniques and acting styles could be extended to other types of films .
24 Wives were given a say for the first time , and what they wanted was romantic practicality .
25 and what they wanted was the easiest ones and they came up with the answer economics Gerald simply , we Ge Gerry and I put our heads together and went bib bib bib bib bib , you know as good parents do and we both presented him with a fait accompli you either take an engineering degree , we do n't care what sort or you go out to work in a bank because economics you will not get a first because you are not reader and t to get a first in economics , which is what you 'll need if you 're gon na make any money out of it
26 It took months — and the best financial brains in New York — to unravel his dealings and what they found was a web of debt — and worse .
27 Just before we leave it , er to come back to the nature it 's quite interesting , what these people found was they studied adders in I think Denmark and what they found was adders adders copulate , but females can store semen for months .
28 And what they did were mostly bills of the unpaid variety .
29 And what they did was they put a tube from here into the next bit of the stomach , that comes round from underneath there , put a tube across there
30 Well that 's interesting the Kipsigies are er traditional people who live in Kenya and if they have , in other words er men have to pay a certain amount to the erm you know , woman if they 're gon na marry her and what they did was they study the and related it to the , to the girl that was actually getting married and what they found of course was that it fits the predictions of our theory er just as you 'd expect , given that the cultural things you have to allow for like , like for example in that most traditional cultures they like er women to be plump as we 'll see in the , in the actually fat is critical to female fertility and er so they might not have been plump , so what they did was they simply weighed the girls and they compared their , their , their weights with , with the , with the and sure enough strong correlation the fatter the girl , the bigger the .
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