Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know Alan from the England set-up , and everyone has always been impressed with his work . ’
2 We 've had five years here and nothing 's really been clamped down on us — we must do this and we must do that .
3 So they 've not been regular attenders since the age of fourteen or so and their dad and me have always been very tolerant .
4 And I 'd no been to bloody .
5 Er , I 'd been told er that he 'd been in prison with Mr er I believe it was in nineteen eighty six and I 'd also been told that in the past er and er had planned armed robberies together .
6 ‘ I 'd worked in studios before , really complicated state-of-the-art stuff , and I 'd always been obsessed with multi-tracking .
7 And I 'd always been there , by his side .
8 and I 'd always been sorry that my dad told us , you know .
9 It 's same as , what ow she 's gone into hospital with her , you know , and I 'd actually been that day , you know what I mean , I do n't mind , do n't get me wrong , I 'm not cross , 'cos I do n't mind .
10 With Keith , I fell head over heels in love with him from the first time we met , and I 'd only been going out with him two weeks and he asked me to get engaged .
11 After supper there were always some musical items provided by supposedly talented guests , and I remember once being requested to recite .
12 These women ran and organized all the groups and I remember often being approached as if I were a rare species of animal .
13 After so many attempts , that day could not have been more rewarding , and I 've since been back at its summit twice .
14 Though , it 's just that , one of the things that Caroline actually , er working on with Warwick University is a way of re-looking at public services and how there funded right , it 's basically to help David to make the case with Margaret Margaret for more money with the local Government , but erm I mean the sort of things we 've been getting into is like when you considering paying for public services , should you , should you pay like in advance like through the National Insurance System or like , like I mean the French Health Service for example , people pay it for ambulances when they use them , though they pay on a differential rate , but I mean it 's an issue to debate , it 's right , and I 've just been thinking about lavatory while you 've been speaking .
15 And I 've just been back and checked just to be sure , ’ his mate added .
16 Before Rachel was born I bought about six stretchsuits , and I 've just been given 12 more but I have n't had to spend much on her clothes yet because I 've had so many presents .
17 They 're not actually erm , using the D S O , and I 've just been involved in the
18 And I 've already been offered a job as buyer for a group of chain stores which have each got a radio department .
19 ‘ I was encouraged by the way the idea was received by Sepp Blatter , Fifa 's general secretary , when I met him last month , ’ Kelly said yesterday , ‘ and I 've also been encouraged by his comments since then . ’
20 I 'm influenced by street , jazz , and I 've also been looking at some African dancing ’
21 Mike just a point of information I have been teaching in Harlow for twenty years and I 've never been asked by anybody at the playhouse what play 's who 's like to see in my school .
22 I just went through and said , " I 'm going out for some cigarettes , " and went out , and I 've never been back .
23 ‘ I saw it in the paper , and I 've never been so pleased about anything in all my life . ’
24 And I 've never been carol-singing in April before .
25 I have consistently said why do n't they allow er , councils to spend the receipts from council houses on building new houses , and I 've never been impressed with the replies nor the reasons .
26 ‘ But I do n't go abroad on holiday — and I 've never been to the Caribbean , ’ she wailed helplessly as he added yet another gorgeous outfit to the huge pile he 'd already chosen .
27 And awful , and I 've never been so confused in my whole life . ’
28 ‘ Things are really beginning to roll now , and I 've never been so happy .
29 But as I say , I 've never seen anything , and I 've never been able to find anybody who can provide that answer for me .
30 I 'm essentially a social historian , although I sometimes think that if I wanted to find the right adjective , and I 've never been too much worried about adjectives , I would say I 'm really a cultural historian .
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