Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She was a longstanding institution in the place and her shortcomings tended to be overlooked because she looked after an elderly invalid mother at home and everyone wondered how she managed her dual responsibilities .
2 A lot of players would simply set-up and hit the ball directly at the flag , and them wonder why they did n't get the ball close .
3 The mortar just appeared in an anonymous donation and no-one knows where it came from .
4 My tutor was a delightful stern lady , and I remember when I had written about John 's gospel , the epistles of John , and the book of Revelation , she looked at me over the top of her spectacles and announced ‘ Young man , you have assumed that because these books have all been attributed to a man named John , that they are all by the same person , who was also an apostle .
5 And I remember when I was a nipper , er er being up there and they had , they always had a box in the back of their caravan where they kept two or three hens , and , and , and er they used to have this game bird .
6 I was n't always a successful businessman and I remember where I come from . ’
7 Whenever I get depressed I get gigs and I remember why I 'm a musician .
8 ‘ Whenever I get depressed I get gigs and I remember why I 'm a musician . ’
9 I first met ‘ Steve ’ Brodie on a visit to Toronto when we were both sitting in on a broadcast featuring Percy Faith and his orchestra , and I remember how we both were enthralled by Percy 's arrangement of ‘ Beyond the Blue Horizon ’ .
10 And I like how they 're always half dressed .
11 When the bus pulled to a halt and I got off I was relieved because I had finished school and I had the weekend ahead of me so I could enjoy myself .
12 the festivals car park , you know the whole thing and I mean then he kicked them off did n't he , so they moved up to Cross Street so in a way it 's their own fault , they could of let them stay there , I mean every body wants to be settled somewhere like
13 now , I mean you 've been very to Neil over the last year or so and I mean now it 's time to get his act together .
14 And I mean recently I came across somebody who 'd got some part holdings in diamonds , and of course the diamond market 's gone into rapid decline because of the er is it Namibian diamonds , and , and the Russians er breaking up the De Beer market .
15 Securicor have joined the cowboys on the contract guarding and really I mean you must be getting sick of us getting up every time about security guards , but it 's an important problem and you must know that a lot of you must work at places where you 've got guards on the gate and we all should take a bit of interest in going to see these guards , find out that they 're working for two pound or two pound forty an hour , they 're working as many hours a week as they 'll actually work with no overtime rate , no night rate , no benefits worth having and I mean really I wish you 'd go to your companies and try and arrange site allowances , cos that 's the only way we 'll get any improvements , but when we talk about resolving grievances , we just took in Yorkshire region someone to a tribunal for constructive dismissal .
16 erm ba basically i i I do n't think it 's that bad and I mean obviously he , he 's making the picture , I would say he 's making the picture out to be f far worse than it actually is because he , he is taking an extreme sort of left point of view so to speak .
17 ‘ It was a photograph of Mark and I heard how he 'd qualified as a chiropractor and set up in Falmouth where it 's uphill work .
18 I was gardening and he said er er I bent over to do something and he said I just went dizzy , he said , and I fell over he said and then I realized my right side was paralysed .
19 ‘ There was no sign to say the drain was uncovered and I fell down it , cutting my leg and ankle and ruining my shoes , socks and slacks , ’ he writes .
20 I say to daddy , when I got the money mate and I 've now I 'm now putting ten pound a week for fat Harry .
21 I know that you want me , and I know why you would marry me .
22 " but I know what 's going on , and I know why I 'm here and why you 're here .
23 And er he and I know where he worked at Brass Foundry on Road , and he fell ill .
24 Er , because of them , I have a sense of purpose and I know where I 'm going .
25 I 've been to the Royal and I know where I 'd sooner be .
26 because of a girl , I really think he 's loyal in that way , in that sense , because they are very close they have a laugh and I know when we 're with them they 're always like seem to be impressing everyone but I 'm sure when they 're together they have like , you know , human conversations , they must do , they ca n't always be talking about screwing and you know , which girls have got big tits and all that
27 And I have to sort it out , sit there , sort it out and then work out how much it 's gon na come to , and then I know then when I go to the shop I know what to get , and I know when it goes in the cupboard I know that I 'll have a meal for every day of the week .
28 Er Eric and I know fully we 've been through that , fingers crossed behind our backs .
29 Only you and I know how I survived .
30 And er so I said she dissolved into fits of laughter so after that she explained it by saying well I used to be a trainer and I know how I got to avoid the stock phrases .
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