Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 His a terrible , so we did n't go near him right through on the playing field , and then Katherine , I found to get , I sat , found a way to get them near Matthew and then Katherine said , I tickled him on the back , and I 'd kept on doing that . .
2 I believe we should not only be looking at simple traffic calming , I believe we should be looking at er greater use of subsidised school transport and in fact transport called for a report and I gather going on right out .
3 Joanne had handled the set-up of the press conference in Glasgow and I had gone on to Newcastle Airport to meet the plane there .
4 How could I tell Fatima with her large , trusting brown eyes that her war had become stale news and I had to move on ?
5 But , nevertheless , for me eternity was not now , and I had to go on into the future and in this world .
6 We did ask Dorothy to do it after I did it for four years , but she was n't keen and I had to go on .
7 By some mix-up , my papers did n't seem to be in order and I had to hold on there until the proper American visa came through .
8 And I says come on , let's go up my house .
9 ‘ Poor darling , you 've had such a time and I keep rabbiting on and on about it .
10 We went in the Gra Grand just done the lounge at the Grand and when we had our first car and I went round to see mother and I said come on , we 'll go up to the , take you up to the Grand and have a drink .
11 Mm cos I found I 'd try , well the works had er , erm table and I , I remember the last time I played before I left and I said come on , I 'll
12 She said yes , cos they sat like one , two , three and I said hang on where 's the plug , what time do you plug it in , you know ,
13 ‘ I 've given up too many things in the past and I intend to hang on to every penny that the sale of this house fetches .
14 ‘ This is the life I 've been trained for and I want to carry on for as long as possible .
15 I 'm a winner and I want to go on winning .
16 ‘ Let's face it , the Olympics are only once every four years and I want to stay on until the end . ’
17 Berger said : ‘ He made it to the first corner ahead of me and I tried to hang on .
18 ‘ It 's disappointing , but Ian Hislop and I do get on pretty well really , ’ owns up Merton , with his copy of the Guardian on the table in front of him .
19 So , she starts quizzing me and I start nattering on about the bloody Brontes — I think Mrs Fleming must 've been really intelligent when she was young , honest-to-god she was firing them at me faster than Bamber Gascoigne , she says to me : ‘ And tell me , Karen , how are you going to deal with the themes of Repressed Sexuality in the Brontes ' work ? ’
20 I contacted their next-of-kin and I undertook to pass on any scraps of information , or even rumour , that I could glean from every possible source .
21 I catch three more chub from the swim , weighing from 2lb to 4lb 2oz , before the swim goes dead and I decide to move on and try somewhere else .
22 But if you do n't mind this cinema verité approach to pornography and you get turned on by freaky-looking people , then the amateur video could introduce you to some interesting new bedtime pals .
23 You tend to recognise particularly in that area of other people 's responses , and you keep going on , you 're bulldozing , are n't you .
24 I 've been chief executive and/or chairman for twenty-five years and the tendency is to think you 're indispensable and you have to stay on until you 're seventy-five , as some people do .
25 And then if you 've done that by next time got all them all written down and you 're quite happy and you want to go on and do some more try it with sixty pennies .
26 Obviously , if you 're a very tiny newborn baby , the amount of food you need to er , put on extra pound weight , is , is not going to be the same as if you are a much larger child , and you want to put on proportionately the same amount of X pounds , whatever it would be , it would be same the same proportion of your weight .
27 ‘ Before you continue , Sir John , ’ Fitzormonde spoke up , ‘ and you start speculating on where I was , all I can say is that I was in my own chamber but no one saw me there . ’
28 And you liked working on there ?
29 Brahms took about fifteen years to complete his First Symphony , and when it was first performed in 1876 , he was 43 — an extraordinary late symphonic debut for a composer who had been publicly proclaimed as a genius by Schumann when he was 18 , and who had gone on to justify public expectations with such works as the ‘ German Requiem ’ , which had given him financial security for life .
30 John 's first price limit is an imaginary £500 , chosen to provide a working setup for the bass player who 's started to practise with a band , and who hopes to go on to play small gigs …
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