Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 I 'm going to write a book on , um , the influence of structuralism on feminist literary criticism , and I 'd asked his advice . ’
2 I never saw the mail robber , though Tom played with his children — and caught nits from them , to Nonni 's horror — and I got to know his sister , Elsie : a thin woman with stiff , blonde hair who was never without a cigarette stuck to the corner of her mouth .
3 " My dear old Uncle Billy died recently and I 've inherited his circus .
4 And I 've remembered his name cos I kept thinking of Charles .
5 I got John to join the library and I take and I 've got his er I 've got his ticket .
6 John , one of the PPLs at our flying club , had made a beautiful job of building his little Jodel and I had followed his progress closely over the several years it had taken him to complete it .
7 He seemed a really pleasant , friendly man , and I had admired his running before .
8 He and I had talked long into the tropical nights and I had enjoyed his company , and I would have liked to have spent more time with Senator Crowninshield , but three months ?
9 Dad and I finished packing his things .
10 He 's confident , too , claiming : ‘ Benn has taken a great risk in fighting me because , like Ruddock , he is very predictable and I aim to exploit his lack of variety .
11 " Father , " she said quietly , " Dom João has asked me to be his wife and I have accepted his keepsake .
12 When the lights came up and I turned to ask his reactions , I found him sitting speechless , tears coursing down his cheeks .
13 His name had been leaked inadvertently in a press interview which I had given and someone had traced his whereabouts .
14 ‘ Nolan likes to be the centre of attention and you 've usurped his pinnacle , ’ Lewis said .
15 Then what would you have thought if Harry Goodhaven had disappeared for ever yesterday afternoon and you 'd found his car later by a cliff , real or metaphorical ? ’
16 You have kept this march inviolate from the encroachments of the Prince of Gwynedd , and you have seen his inroads on those less wary and less able than yourself .
17 And you have read his book , I suppose ? ’
18 I mean if one of them steps under a bus and you start valuing his estate for probate , Ullo , ullo , ullo , how much is a case of Russian grenades worth ? ’
19 ‘ I understand , ’ said Snizort , who had lived in a world where entire civilisations had been lost and who had spent his life searching for fragments of them .
20 Of course it would turn out that the dead girl was merely someone Jerome Fanshawe had come across that weekend and who had taken his fancy .
21 According to the Far Eastern Economic Review of Sept. 26 , the merger represented a particular threat to Kim Young Sam , the former opposition leader who drew his support from Pusan port in Kyongsang , and who had taken his supporters into the merger which formed the ruling Democratic Liberal Party in February 1990 .
22 At this level of intimate contact with the sovereign were to be found also his medical advisers , chief among them Dr Conneau , another one of the faithful who had accompanied the Prince at Boulogne and who had shared his imprisonment at Ham .
23 And when he 'd finished and been weighed again and she 'd changed his diaper and put it in the special container to go away for the chemical analysis — And a nasty old job that must be to do !
24 The man who called himself John looked at her increasingly steadily , lengthily , certainly , and she began to hold his glances and eventually to return them .
25 His weight had increased since their marriage , and she began to dread his nightly activity , but she accepted it without complaint as the price she had to pay for Corrie .
26 He stretched willingly across her knees , and she began to wallop his bare backside with sharp , stinging blows .
27 And she had seen his picture in trade papers and yachting magazines , usually alongside an article extolling his brilliance , not only as a prizewinning designer in the highly competitive world of trans-ocean racing , but also as a respected if demanding skipper .
28 He had helped one woman with a pushchair and screaming infant on to a bus earlier , and she had gripped his hand tightly in hers as she had said thank you .
29 She continued to stand there , eyes closed tightly , long after the front door had closed behind him and she had heard his car disappear down the drive .
30 And before she knew what had happened , his knuckles had slipped inside her pelvis , and she had swallowed his whole fist inside her dewy cavern .
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