Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A measure of confusion and uncertainty arose within the colony , however , as to the precise constitutional status of the bill in relation to the Basic Law — Hong Kong 's proposed mini-constitution [ see p. 37248 ] — and as to whether or not China had the power to repeal the bill , given its non-participation within the terms of the Covenant and its insistence that the Basic Law should be seen as supreme .
2 The residues of this débâcle survive today in the regime 's mistrust of its people , its dread of weakness , and its determination that an alternative ideology be given no chance to emerge in the country .
3 The court 's highly controversial decision ( against which the Prosecutor-General was to appeal ) , and its finding that the Vichy regime had " never planned and practised a consistent anti-semitic ideology " and " at no time … had the purpose or the opportunity of imposing any kind of domination or conquering ideology " had important implications for the outstanding Bousquet and Papon cases [ see pp. 37019 ; 37899 ] .
4 He thus accepted the marginal productivity theory of the demand for labour and its corollary that a fall in the real wage rate is a necessary condition for a rise in employment .
5 Is n't there an argument which says if you 're trying to protect York and its setting that the further you actually move the development away from it the greater the protection you afford it ?
6 For example , the modern female hostage who falls in love with her captor may not merely be manifesting the well-known defence of ‘ identification with the aggressor ’ ( particularly since it is not so much identification with him as submission to him ) , she may instead be giving way to her phylogenetic id and its demand that a female captured by a male should look to him for sexual satisfaction .
7 Piaget and Klein also show that it is only through the intrinsically dynamic relationship between the infant and its environment that the subject is able to become itself .
8 In each case it is the woman and her conduct that the man 's lawyers will try to put on trial .
9 Ignore for a moment the contradiction in the Prime Minister 's simultaneous espousal of an essentially unaccountable German Bundesbank system for future European monetary union and her insistence that the Delors plan for EMU violates Parliamentary control of EC decision making .
10 Then I was ready , ignoring Mala 's stifled giggles and her remark that the mauve roll-flaps topping off my boots were going too far .
11 Particularly divisive at a parochial level was the stress placed by the bishops on the need for a greater reverence in the communion rite , and their determination that the portable communion tables , which had been used since Elizabethan times , should be replaced by altars permanently positioned at the east end of the chancel and separated from the body of the church by altar rails .
12 Some chapters in this book will support the strength of the Committee 's criticism and their recommendation that the Department of Health ( then DHSS ) should , in consultation with outside interests , re-establish fuller collection of relevant statistical information ( Recommendation 73 ) .
13 That , I think , clears the stand that the Government have been taking , and their view that the matter can not be easily resolved .
14 They want to tell the Ambassador they are unhappy about the trial , the fact that the jury found there was no premeditation , and their fear that the court could have been influenced because their daughter was not of French nationality .
15 One of the most distressing factors is the ‘ jollying up ’ attitude of staff and their expectations that the patients and their families will collude with the ritual pretence that everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds .
16 To this day , it signifies almost better than any other building the Victorians ' love of spectacle and sentiment and their confidence that a new world order could be created out of a massive syncretism .
17 This is precisely the sort of position one would expect given the combination of their respectable backgrounds , in almost all cases their membership of the Free Presbyterian Church , and their belief that the appeasement policies of the government and the Chief Constable have to be opposed publicly .
18 Having made significant political concessions to the pro-Allied monarchist and military " families " in the first half of the year , while repeatedly stalling on entry to the war on the side of the Axis , from June to December 1941 he showed open and sometimes vehement support for the Axis , ignoring the criticism of his senior generals and their suggestions that the time had come to consider restoring the monarchy .
19 The atypical but consistent finding of McKeever and his collaborators that a right field advantage can be obtained with both unilateral and bilateral stimulus presentation may be attributable in part to their use of very short exposure durations , and in part to their use of a digit as a " fixation forcer " .
20 To be sure it is a little difficult to be certain how big " large " has to be before this behaviour sets in — indeed it was emphasised by Bohr and his friends that the line could be drawn at different places along the chain — but somewhere this classical behaviour had to set in to make measurement possible .
21 I remind the Secretary of State and his Ministers that the National Consumer Council , which he quoted several times , was set up by Shirley Williams and me when the Department of Prices and Consumer Protection was still in existence .
22 It may have become obvious to Pius and his advisers that a Council would not be as easy to manipulate as they had imagined .
23 The fact that Bunn had both the guarantee and the charge drawn up and executed both by the husband and himself on Friday , 23 July , and his evidence that the wife 's attendance on the Monday was , so far as he was concerned , a mere formality , shows that all that remained was to get the wife 's signature in accordance with bank policy .
24 Where he should be , with his cradle boon of green eyes like a magician 's , and his stature that no one in his family had ever had before , his strength and resolve .
25 His theme was Christ 's defiance of the Pharisees and his view that the sabbath was made for man , not man for the sabbath .
26 This image of the professional justifies his demand for complete autonomy and his demand that the client give up his own judgment and responsibility , leaving everything in the hands of the professional .
27 Air New Zealand , creators and sponsors of the event , could easily adopt the motto ‘ To make dreams , come true ’ , for the Fifth Golden Oldies was about dreams and such was the organisation by Clarrie Anderson and his team that the whole week went off without a hitch .
28 ‘ I think cold and hunger , and his fear that the police would catch him , drove him mad .
29 At the first meeting of the Central Authority , Shinwell had told Citrine and his colleagues that a reasonable aim would be to meet full demand by 1951 ‘ if that was at all possible ’ in the light of other national investment demands .
30 I will deal with three central issues : the desire for an English national tradition , the belief of Dr F. R. Leavis and his followers that the study of literature promotes moral sensitivity , and the claim by some post-structuralists that the privileged status accorded to ‘ great ’ literature reflects an unacceptable ideology .
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