Example sentences of "and [art] child ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A planned tutorial programme was prepared by the senior mistress , head of house and the child 's tutor to raise the awareness of the children in the tutor group .
2 16.48 The record of the continuous assessment should cover what the child has read ; the child 's reading strategies and approaches when handling a familiar text , levels of comprehension ; retrieval of information ; and the child 's reading tastes and preferences .
3 Psychoanalysis , through its work with neurotics in modern society , has found that the Oedipal conflicts are of the most profound importance for later life , and the child 's handling of these earliest sexual feelings and actions towards both parents has lasting significance on later relationships .
4 I 'm sure that one of those days the dog 's jealousy and the child 's charisma , or the combination of both , will lead to grief .
5 Custodians are expected to inform each other immediately when children are moved from one part of the country to another , and the child 's name should be immediately registered in the new locality , pending a case conference .
6 And the child 's name ?
7 Her mother feared the trauma of being snatched from her could bring on an attack , and ran around frantically trying to find both the inhaler and the child 's tablets .
8 The adult is trying to find out what the child knows or understands , and the child 's responses are interpreted accordingly .
9 It 's important for you and the child 's parents to work together as much as possible .
10 In any event , Ermold assumed that the parents would relish the description of their son , and be amused by the contrast between the adults ' formality and the child 's spontaneity ( though such licence may have been permitted only to under-sevens ) .
11 For example , an utterance such as ‘ juice ’ might be glossed as ‘ That 's juice ’ , ‘ I want some juice ’ or ‘ The juice is all gone ’ , depending upon the situation and the child 's behaviour .
12 Not recognizing the need for this will undermine the implementation of therapeutic advice and the child 's behaviour problems are likely to continue or get worse .
13 An elicitation procedure is designed to provide a child with the opportunity to respond to a specific set of stimuli ; the relationship between a stimulus and the child 's response is then taken as an indication of the child 's mastery of a particular aspect of language .
14 So , on this interpretation , for the rehabilitated child , a children 's hearing might be able to look into his social background until the spent offence and after the rehabilitation period is completed , but would be unable to investigate the offence , the previous hearing or hearings , and the child 's response to supervision or training .
15 On the other hand , the authors recognise that neonatal diagnosis could interfere with normal social and emotional growth and the child 's interaction with his family .
16 Comparisons will then be made between the use of a word in production and the child 's understanding of that word in comprehension .
17 The question form seems to be seldom expected , and the child 's eye may not catch the question mark at the end .
18 A slap often makes the situation worse and the child 's cries louder while parents ' shouting only increases the general noise level .
19 In these organisations there is a high risk that the self-fulfilling prophecy and expectation syndrome will dominate both the teacher 's and the child 's view .
20 The more parental devotion to reading and the child 's belief in its magic propensities coincide , the easier time a child will have in learning to read , and the more important and enjoyable reading will be to him .
21 Mada Joyce bent ponderously to feel Hyacinth 's brow and the child 's eyes fluttered open .
22 Knitted in Patons Pure New Wool Sport , the man 's jumper costs approximately £28 to knit , the woman 's about £24 and the child 's £15 .
23 Writing in Legal Medicine 1982 Frank Flannery and James Zimmerly , both of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington DC argue that it will be well-nigh impossible to establish a causal relationship between the doctor 's actions and the child 's defects , as hereditary or environmental factors could be to blame .
24 And although my initial work was with the individual child , I found that in a large number of cases , the parental interest was of a high order and , and the children 's willingness to involve parents in their behavioural difficulties was also of a high order , so I found myself working not just within the school , not just with the child , but in a parent-child situation .
25 What do you people mean by quoting this proverb about the land of Israel : ‘ The fathers eat sour grapes , and the children 's teeth are set on edge ’ ?
26 The visiting of the iniquity of their fathers on to succeeding generations in the Third Commandment , the banning of ‘ he that hath a flat nose ’ , and the writing ‘ the fathers have eaten a sour grape and the children 's teeth are set on edge ’ are suggestive of the stigmata of congenital syphilis .
27 ‘ The fathers have eaten sour grapes , and the children 's teeth shall be set on edge . ’
28 Two are specially worthy of note — the east window and the children 's window .
29 The total raised is being divided between the Young People 's Trust for the Environment and Nature Conservation and the Children 's Liver Disease Foundation .
30 But there are other families from deprived and stressful environments who face difficulties in all areas of their lives and the children 's problems are yet another stress .
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