Example sentences of "and [art] [noun pl] work [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Without it , she has become a virtual prisoner in her own home ; she is ruled by the clock and the hours worked by her local authority helpers .
2 Omar was splendid , labouring indefatigably with the sweat pouring off him , while Kassimi , Birru , the two Saids , Abdullahi , Habta Mariam and the others worked without a stop .
3 This was another evening of pleasure , and Jim was full of tales about Alice 's father , and the others working with him , twelve or more , and how lucky Alice was to have such a father while Alice smiled and kept a lock on her tongue .
4 And the men worked without these essentials because work was food , and food was life .
5 Dientzenhofer and the craftsmen working with him .
6 Himself a creature of translation , in Salman Rushdie 's sense of having been borne across the world and across cultures , Ghose is among the Indo-Anglian writers of the diaspora whose work chronicles 20th-century displacement and migration.hThis novel , his eleventh , is a complex , fragmentary and at times obscure exploration of the relationship between memory and identity , and the fractures wrought in both by expatriation .
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