Example sentences of "and [art] [noun] so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She was free to go as close to the man 's music as she dared , to stare as long as she wanted , to dance on the kerb right beside him where he seemed so tall he almost blacked out the sky , and the music so overwhelming you could hear nothing else .
2 Many of the buildings in the old town were six storeys high and the lanes so narrow that all but pedestrians were banned .
3 And the mountains so grand in my own native land ,
4 We were in a street , the street so wide and the houses so distant across the other side that it might not have been a street at all ; and the houses lay low with gaps between them , so that the sky filled a large part of the picture .
5 So that 's a double positive a double negative that 's a positive double negative so H two and the O so that 's gon na be that 'll be a double positive because there 's two of it would n't it ?
6 But with the economy still deteriorating and the government so unpopular , the issue of the leadership will not go away .
7 In no other religion are the stakes so high and the choice so momentous . ’
8 We began to talk about four o'clock and the morning was most delightful , the sun shining along the Terrace and the air so balmy .
9 Now the choice is so wide and the packaging so attractive that most children are delighted .
10 It was smelly inside , made you feel as though you were choking to death and the eye-holes so small you could n't see out properly .
11 The kitchen looked so clean and bright , and the ladies so kind and sensible , that I dared to knock at the door .
12 The early evening sun was warm on her face and the sky so clear and calm that it seemed impossible so beautiful a world could be at war ; that small , beautiful world that was Yeoman 's Lane , and Tingle 's Wood , through which it ran .
13 The sky was so clear and the stars so visible that the earth could almost be seen turning .
14 At the hospital with its crowd of out-patients and wards full of in-patients he was so busy , so plagued and hassled and rushed off his feet , and the women so submissive and ignorant or merely sullen , that he forgot about principles .
15 The heat was intense and the humidity so heavy that the setting sun seemed crushed into the mountains like a piece of squashed orange modelling clay .
16 Over the next ten years it opened the doors to the development of relations between Wilson 's union and the shipowners so cordial and mutually supportive that his enemies in the labour movement could express ironic astonishment that he had ever had " any special connection with the Seamen at all " .
17 The battle took place on a Saturday , 14 October : because the armies were so evenly matched and the ground so difficult it lasted eight hours , a great time in a world where a decision was usually reached in just over two hours .
18 After breakfast we left the inn and got on the track , which , with care , need not be lost sight of in good weather , except in haze or severe rain , when there is danger at one or two places , where a ceaseless flow of moisture over a rich soil keeps the grass so green and the ground so soft , no path is traceable now and again .
19 Yet in a country where the pull of the past is so strong and the future so tantalising , it is best when you are travelling to live exclusively in the present .
20 And the answer so simple : what is not wanted … goes in the bin .
21 By the third morning , however , I was so weak and the pain so unbearable that they had little difficulty in taking me up to the theatre and performing the necessary operation .
22 In the book Mt Pelee is thinly disguised as the volcano Salpetriere , while St Pierre , the town which was actually involved in the eruption , appears as St Jacques , but the actual events of Thursday 8 May 1902 were so dramatic in themselves , and the tragedy so complete , that it seems a little unnecessary to dress up the facts in a romanticized account .
23 The playing of the BBC Symphony Orchestra under Peter Eötrös , who had given the work several times before this 1991 Prom performance , seems immensely confident and assured , all the complexities mastered ; and the recording quality is so good ( and the audience so quiet ) I would have taken it for a ‘ state-of-theart ’ studio job .
24 ‘ That speech in A Fish Called Wanda , about Americans being so free and the Brits so repressed is fundamental to John 's philosophy of life .
25 Oh , I did love our times together at Hury , with Mother cooking supper over the fire in an old iron grate and the nights so romantic and balmy .
26 Dr. Howarth ; a tall fair man , almost as tall as Dalgliesh himself , with widely spaced eyes of a remarkably deep blue and the lashes so long that they might have looked effeminate on any face less arrogantly male .
27 THE overwhelming feeling one got of the exhibition on the Royal Mile Traffic Calming ( Phase One ) Project was one of disappointment — not because the problem is easy or unimportant but because the analyses are so shallow and the solutions so insignificant .
28 Crying apart , there are no songs of the calibre of Pretty Woman but that big dramatic voice is so overwhelming and the production so superb , that it 's a worthwhile record by any standards .
29 The noise was so loud and the light so bright that he sat still as a stone .
30 And the reason so many stagewise guitarists tend to prefer valves is because of their ability to follow , in a particularly human way , the dynamics of the music being fed into them .
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