Example sentences of "and [art] [noun] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 If a strong focusing preference is imposed in either direction between the monkey and the banana then the wrong referent will be obtained for one of the alternative second sentences .
2 I think when you look at the the policies collectively and the policies individually the strategy of protecting the open countryside is implicit within those policies .
3 The effects of load torque and inertia are separated at the beginning of acceleration interval by allowing the motor to move several Steps with all phases unexcited ; a system with high load torque and low inertia decelerates but if the load torque is small and the inertia high the velocity remains substantially constant .
4 There is a Medau Society who organise the classes and the finances so the lucky teacher only has to teach — no worries about class numbers , equipment or halls .
5 In many countries , regional and national newspapers report on these prisoner cases — the Slovenian Catholic weekly Druzina , the French national daily Le Monde , and the Pakistani daily The Muslim , to name but a few .
6 In truth the TV realisation of Poet 's Corner , Westminster Abbey was nothing more than a photographic blow-up , and the monster just the latex-coated hands of writer Nigel Kneale sticking out through a hole in the picture .
7 However , it 's all extremely well played , the Waltz is light as air , and the Elegy all the more moving for its having been relieved of any hint of bogus pathos .
8 So if we consider the capacitor and the battery together the total energy of the system decreases as the capacitance increases .
9 The uncertain foreign situation was typified in Eastern Europe where in 1920 the Poles seemed likely to extinguish the Bolshevik regime , and a year later the Bolsheviks almost took Warsaw .
10 There were difficulties here and there , but they were easily solved : " The Stone grids in the Garden beneath the windows of the Head Master 's Dwelling House allowing the escape of an Effluvium from the Main Sewer were ordered to be rectified " in June 1862 ; and a year later the Trustees heard from the Headmaster : " that in order to provide for the comfort of the Trustees at their meetings , I am obliged to leave my Study , my only sitting room , without a chair " .
11 Apart from dog sitting , she was free and a year later the two are still together !
12 I ran into the corridor , and just then I heard a whistle , and a minute later the sound of falling metal .
13 We 've had three goals with just over twenty minutes gone , has scored for the visitors on the fourteen with a brilliant shot , a brilliant header on twenty , and a minute later the penalty has brought Notts back , looking out of the game , was the player pushed , the referee consulted the linesman , had no hesitation and ends the goal drought for himself , will leave on the bench
14 In 1666 , many saw the Fire of London as the work of Catholic conspirators , and a decade later the revelation of an alleged ‘ Popish Plot ’ to assassinate Charles II was readily accepted as further evidence of the seriousness of the threat posed to the English state and church by international Catholic plotting .
15 We are visiting the famous Severn Valley Railway , which gives a very good ride and a captures well the atmosphere of a rural branch line .
16 An hour and a bit later the hearse stopped in a town called Cromcruach .
17 so I went back and a bit later the phone went , er the Bill from the publisher he was , but he also did a bit for one of er diaries or summat like that
18 I 'd slave my guts out on a case and think I 'd got it settled and a week later the woman would turn up in my office with the same dreary tale .
19 By the end of February 1950 the ‘ threat of communist aggression against Indo-China ’ had become ‘ only one phase of anticipated communist plans to seize all of South-East Asia ’ and a week later the Department of Defense was told by Assistant Secretary of State Dean Rusk that Southeast Asia was in grave danger of communist domination : now identified ‘ as a consequence of aggression from communist China ’ as well as ‘ internal subversive activities ’ .
20 Teaching staff were given an initial briefing , and a month later the full governing body and PTA were briefed in detail .
21 He dived under the fence and a moment later the ducks began waddling through the tunnel and into the garden .
22 But the swirling breeze was at the hunters ' backs , and the big bull suddenly lifted his muzzle to scent in their direction , and a moment later the whole herd was running towards the shelter of the trees .
23 The whole mass dropped into the pit and a moment later the big slab was snatched up by several dozen tentacles and slammed into place , leaving a number of thrashing limbs trapped around the edge .
24 Before we 'd gone far from the hut we had lost one of the Germans with sickness , and an hour later the Dutchman had to turn back when he had trouble with his crampons .
25 The car drew to a halt alongside the front door , and an instant later the driver 's door swung open .
26 In the US , farmers work the soil so hard that around five billion tonnes are blown or washed away annually and an area twice the size of California has been rendered unproductive .
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