Example sentences of "and [prep] [v-ing] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Side cutters are useful for cutting both cable and flex to length , and for trimming cores neatly when they have been connected to terminals .
2 If we are in a happy partnership , whether married or living in a close relationship with a man or woman , retirement years are a time to look forward to and for doing things together .
3 It seems to be part of the Woolf proposal for compacts and for making prisoners fully aware of what is happening in prisons and what the plans are .
4 At Dentdale 's eastern end , Dent Head and the viaduct lead into the dale , the road winding on to Lea Yeat and Cowgill where the narrow winding Coal Road climbs by Monkeybeck Grains and below Shaking Moss over into Garsdale , its highest points often being blocked by snow in the winter months .
5 There was once a poor shoemaker who had three fine strong sons and two pretty daughters and a third , who could do nothing well , who shivered plates and tangled her spinning , who curdled milk , could not get butter to come , nor set a fire so that smoke did not pour into the room , a useless , hopeless , dreaming daughter , to whom her mother would often say that she should try to fend for herself in the wild wood , and then she would know the value of listening to advice , and of doing things properly .
6 Conspicuous support for sporting and other activities has contributed to the rising public approval of the Quit campaign and of antismoking measures generally .
7 Willie picked up a soft brown-paper package and with trembling fingers slowly untied the string .
8 Desultory Gaelic mutterings turned gradually to snores as cigarette glows faded , and with watchkeeping duties over I soon followed suit .
9 So , I gather that Jeffrey would like to say a word or two , and at this stage , and if he would he would be welcome to do so , meanwhile er , as I 've said , I hope you will join me in wishing er , the Bishop god speed , and in wishing Jeffrey very well for the future .
10 The Sisters of Marie Répatrice who look after the Shrine , were helped as usual in the organisation of the celebration , and in serving refreshments afterwards , by the ‘ Friends of the Shrine ’ who do so much , in so many ways , to support it .
11 If the task required of the listener is to shadow the message then the articulatory loop will be a useful device in establishing an appropriate lag and in maintaining information long enough for it to be recognised and repeated .
12 Inevitably , Mary had a vested interest in the smooth running of her department and in helping Doug out of his difficulties as a new teacher in Humanities .
13 In linking the resourcing of the school library to specific curriculum developments , and in making grants only to those schools whose plans comply with specified criteria , the local authority has acted in the same way as such central government agencies as the Department of Education and Science ( DES ) and the Manpower Services Commission ( MSC ) .
14 Both initiatives are sponsored by the Training Agency and they share similar objectives in attempting to provide greater coherence between education and training , and in making education more aware of the needs of employers and of young people 's needs in the employment market .
15 Both initiatives are sponsored by the Training Agency and they share similar objectives in attempting to provide greater coherence between Education and Training , and in making Education more aware of the needs of employers and of young people 's needs in the employment market .
16 Prior approval is not required ( except in SSSIs and National Parks in the UK , but then not from the Agriculture Department ) and in assessing schemes financially , MAFF has disregarded the fact that it has in the past contributed 50–70% of the scheme 's cost and that a high proportion of the profit to be earned is public money in the form of HLCAs .
17 The model must also be consistent with the existence of a magnetic dipole source at no great depth , have plausible relative abundances of the various elements , and in representing Jupiter today can be the outcome of a plausible evolution from the birth of Jupiter to the present .
18 Hardly a single Labour or Conservative-controlled authority failed to mention the strides that they are making in improving the competitiveness of services and in putting services out to competition .
19 They frequently exchange preliminary information across stages , which apparently enables them to shorten lead time without much confusion downstream and without incurring costs commonly associated with an early commitment to die engineering .
20 Much more important would be the effect of the panel 's decision on the drug 's use in developing countries and on licensing decisions still pending in both America and Canada .
21 What Labour needs above all is the network of working-class activists , sympathisers and supporters that it had in workplaces and on housing estates even as recently as 20 years ago .
22 And on housing estates all along the line , residents came out to watch the strange scene .
23 And on housing estates all along the line , residents came out to watch the strange scene .
24 More often his thoughts , feelings and responses centre on his inner world , his imagery and on understanding phenomena both inside and outside himself .
25 The emphasis is on questioning and on finding facts out for oneself , rather than relying on conventional wisdom or paper .
26 Does everyone have a copy of this one good er Mr Mayor erm all budgets are a balance between er spending on database services and spending on capital projects and on keeping taxes down .
27 She was looking forward to it — and to seeing Martin again .
28 Therefore m g /m i has the same value for all materials , and by choosing units appropriately we make this ratio equal to unity .
29 On Friday 4th March we all went out of Peking by bus to spend a morning at a commune — part of the ‘ Open-Door Schooling ’ policy , the idea being that by interpreting for us at the commune , and by collecting information etc. , the students could improve their English , and also devise suitable English-teaching materials based on commune life .
30 The conference was helpful in suggesting ways to act and by providing solidarity so that I do not feel alone .
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