Example sentences of "and [adj] [prep] they [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Say if there was eight gangs , there would be eight eight of them there , and eight of them here .
2 A bit is an abbreviation , of binary digits something about what it means , erm and eight of them together , makes a byte .
3 He had had mock fights enough , and some of them pretty dirty .
4 According to different versions , Count Helldorf , Police President of Berlin and later implicated in the July plot of 1944 against Hitler , Julius Streicher , Alfred Rosenberg , Adolf Wagner , and the ‘ blood and soil ’ guru of Nazi agricultural policy Walther Darré , had been arrested for complicity in Hess 's ‘ treason ’ , and some of them already shot .
5 ‘ You can even cheek your teachers and some of them just do n't do anything , you know .
6 And some of them just hit return .
7 Yeah well I was talking , I was talking to a friend and they said that , you know , there 's some homophobic attacks and some of them just happen to occur because people are walking in a gay area
8 In her interesting and vivid description of the first wave Marjorie Cosens quoted numerous testimonies by teachers to this effect , and some of them even wrote to the Board of Education .
9 Many other animals that harbour secret chemical defences also show themselves fearlessly to the world and some of them also perform special displays that indicate their readiness to engage in a chemical encounter .
10 But in many parts of the world , and some of them not very far away from here , upheavals and agonies are going on , not unlike some of those experienced within the lifetime of the subject of tonight 's lecture .
11 Some of those scholars , moreover , were Englishmen and some of them certainly served as proctors and representatives of the Plantagenets at Paris .
12 If your studies have not taken you to the point where you can answer all the questions , answer those that you can and some of them twice .
13 Questions of this switched on and some of them how to do .
14 The aims which I put up there , I wo n't go through each one , I think are hopefully fairly self explanatory , the , some of those are going well and some of them still need a hard push , a hard push from us and a hard push from the clubs and the teaching establishments .
15 From the twentieth century point of view it can be appreciated that naturally occurring compounds contain what , from the point of view of theoretical chemistry , is an arbitrary and theoretically uninteresting mixture of isotopes so that , as F. Soddy remarked , the painstaking endeavour of the nineteenth century chemists ‘ appears as of as little interest and significance as the determination of the average weight of a collection of bottles , some of them full and some of them more or less empty ’ .
16 These brochs ( a word derived from the Old Norse borg — a citadel — later transmuted into borough ) nearly all followed one basic pattern : that of a large circular dwelling with drystone walls up to 15 feet thick , and some of them as much as 50 feet high .
17 It was the business of the bishop to preach peace — and some of them actually did so ; yet a growing spirit of political independence , sometimes accompanying a furious anticlerical urge , limited the power of the bishop once the city had felt and tested its freedom .
18 And some of them actually cha make sure that you have to keep your house and contents insured through the society , which again can be more expensive .
19 And when we were getting people from outside coming there and some of them quite militant they were going to sit and lay across the road .
20 About three quarters of asylum claimants are already in the country , many of them legitimately as students or visitors and some of them illegitimately , as they have entered the country illegally .
21 Now if some of the mathematics they had learnt had been relevant to them and interesting to them maybe they would have remembered it in the same way they 've remembered plenty of other things that are important to them .
22 well as it is now you , you know , you really do n't wan na be half of them up there and half of them down here on a table .
23 It is a nice setting erm and three of them together
24 I 'm quite sure that the way forward for teachers and parents is within some kind of co-operative framework , and the only way that can work effectively is for each to be aware of other 's needs and difficulties , and the kind of barriers that have existed in the past for parents to get into schools I think are being lowered by the schools , but it takes almost a generation , I think , for parents to stop being frightened about what school is doing and the kind of parents who 've had bad experiences themselves in schools , I think , have enormous difficulties in approaching teachers and I 'm sure the answer is in terms of co-operative activity — children and schools , schools and parents , and all of them together with myriad of outside agencies that are available for children with severe problems .
25 Out of reach , and all of them too busy with their own lives …
26 Two of the blocks together preserved a handful or words from the poem ( promptly recognised by Professor Ihor Sevcenko of Harvard University ) and all of them elaborately carved .
27 They wrote for a small range of specialist titles , some of them bright and poppy , others resoundingly self-important , and all of them perfectly arcane to anyone outside a specific , like-minded clientele .
28 Booksellers are in the vanguard and many of them simply can not get enough books to meet demand .
29 There has long been a tradition of separating these ‘ special ’ clinics from the rest of the hospital , and many of them still go under euphemistic titles such as ‘ Martha and Luke ’ clinic , James Pringle House , or ‘ Lydia ’ clinic .
30 People over retirement age are somewhat over-represented in the temporary labour force , and many of them too are part-time workers .
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