Example sentences of "and [adj] [is] very [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And that is very neatly done .
2 And that is very much what we do find in the pages of the New Testament .
3 And that is very very significant .
4 And that is very very hot and will give some nasty burns to people 's hands .
5 Well Fred 's got my Graham Thomas because it really is a superb rose but as well as that I would go for hybrid musk and I think of all the hybrid musk , my favourite is Felicia because of that silvery pink , lovely double shaped flower and that is very very heavily scented and I would have to have the bourbon rose the th the double white creamy white bourbon rose , if , you could almost eat that , that wo n't get more than about six foot and you can prune it to keep it in shape a bit if it begins to get too straggly .
6 Mr referred earlier to the views of the Association for the Disabled on proposals and that is very very important and I think increasingly it will be the committee 's concern to if you like have very s acute listening ears to , to what is needed and what is , what is wanted in the community and organizations like this can be very important in not just lobbying in the crude sense but providing a real medium of communication and I think that that would be helpful .
7 In ( 14 ) her mother uses Creole ( and this is very clearly intended to be a direct quote , even a send-up , of her mother 's refusal ) , while Valerie answers her in London English .
8 If we feel that someone has a high opinion of us we tend to want to live up to it , but few of us bother to make much effort with anyone we know who gives us a low rating , and this is very much the case between mothers-in-law and sons-in-law .
9 But if those forms of capital are n't available then the business has to raise capital by some other means and this is very often done by liquidated assets that they currently hold and releasing the capital for the new project .
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