Example sentences of "and [adj] [prep] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 To my great surprise and that of everyone else , I found that it meant that black holes are not completely black .
2 Now the cloth above the encircling fingers seemed to move , nudged this way and that by something underneath .
3 Seven fifty , going to you , any m eight hundred eight fifty eight nine hundred and fifty round it off ?
4 We were both in the travel business and neither of us much enjoyed working for someone else .
5 Making overtures towards another who mirrored our own disquieting and long-buried Chinese identity was both a fearful and exciting prospect , and neither of us quite got up the nerve to take the initiative .
6 I 've always excused myself-I 've said , I 'm kind and tolerant with everyone else , she 's the one person I ca n't be like that with , and there has to be an exception to the general rule .
7 Say if there was eight gangs , there would be eight eight of them there , and eight of them here .
8 A bit is an abbreviation , of binary digits something about what it means , erm and eight of them together , makes a byte .
9 If you just born you 're free , at the age of five , fifteen percent is attacked , at the age of eight , it 's forty percent , and eight of you over forty , congratulations , you 're all got arteriosclerosis .
10 Cellulite of the thighs keeps many a woman chaste : a potbelly keeps a man on the straight and narrow like nothing else .
11 As the countries of the world , irrespective of bloc , appear to become more and more bound up with one another through the extension of transnational practices , some of which are directly identifiable as practices of global capitalism and some of which not , the fact of the global system becomes more and more obvious to ever more people , though the nature of the global system might still appear extremely difficult to grasp .
12 They deployed vast quasi-orchestral sweeps and some of their most memorable melodies ( something they 're sometimes short of ) on their most consistent album .
13 Its exiled leader , Rachid Ghannouchi , came out strongly in favour of Iraq , and some of its more extreme members attacked the offices of the ruling Democratic Constitutional Rally .
14 He had had mock fights enough , and some of them pretty dirty .
15 According to different versions , Count Helldorf , Police President of Berlin and later implicated in the July plot of 1944 against Hitler , Julius Streicher , Alfred Rosenberg , Adolf Wagner , and the ‘ blood and soil ’ guru of Nazi agricultural policy Walther Darré , had been arrested for complicity in Hess 's ‘ treason ’ , and some of them already shot .
16 ‘ You can even cheek your teachers and some of them just do n't do anything , you know .
17 And some of them just hit return .
18 Yeah well I was talking , I was talking to a friend and they said that , you know , there 's some homophobic attacks and some of them just happen to occur because people are walking in a gay area
19 In her interesting and vivid description of the first wave Marjorie Cosens quoted numerous testimonies by teachers to this effect , and some of them even wrote to the Board of Education .
20 Many other animals that harbour secret chemical defences also show themselves fearlessly to the world and some of them also perform special displays that indicate their readiness to engage in a chemical encounter .
21 But in many parts of the world , and some of them not very far away from here , upheavals and agonies are going on , not unlike some of those experienced within the lifetime of the subject of tonight 's lecture .
22 Some of those scholars , moreover , were Englishmen and some of them certainly served as proctors and representatives of the Plantagenets at Paris .
23 If your studies have not taken you to the point where you can answer all the questions , answer those that you can and some of them twice .
24 Questions of this switched on and some of them how to do .
25 The aims which I put up there , I wo n't go through each one , I think are hopefully fairly self explanatory , the , some of those are going well and some of them still need a hard push , a hard push from us and a hard push from the clubs and the teaching establishments .
26 From the twentieth century point of view it can be appreciated that naturally occurring compounds contain what , from the point of view of theoretical chemistry , is an arbitrary and theoretically uninteresting mixture of isotopes so that , as F. Soddy remarked , the painstaking endeavour of the nineteenth century chemists ‘ appears as of as little interest and significance as the determination of the average weight of a collection of bottles , some of them full and some of them more or less empty ’ .
27 These brochs ( a word derived from the Old Norse borg — a citadel — later transmuted into borough ) nearly all followed one basic pattern : that of a large circular dwelling with drystone walls up to 15 feet thick , and some of them as much as 50 feet high .
28 It was the business of the bishop to preach peace — and some of them actually did so ; yet a growing spirit of political independence , sometimes accompanying a furious anticlerical urge , limited the power of the bishop once the city had felt and tested its freedom .
29 And some of them actually cha make sure that you have to keep your house and contents insured through the society , which again can be more expensive .
30 And when we were getting people from outside coming there and some of them quite militant they were going to sit and lay across the road .
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