Example sentences of "and [verb] [that] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I am employing the kind of argument that has been used to resist demands that God prove Himself by miraculous interventions of some form — demands that in Christian tradition Christ himself refused to satisfy when he turned down the Pharisees ' request for a ‘ sign ’ and asked that they have faith instead .
2 As an example , take someone who tries to give up smoking and thinks that they have lost the fight completely when they want their first cigarette .
3 The verdicts are implicitly defining what is appropriate behaviour for women and suggesting that they do not have much of a safeguard if they stray into areas regarded as ‘ male territory ’ whether it be a barracks room or a street late at night .
4 While she phoned the switchboard and requested that they page the cardiographer , Michael Barrington the orthopaedic SR arrived and glanced at the shattered stubs of the young man 's femurs .
5 Dicke and Peebles were preparing to look for this radiation when Penzias and Wilson heard about their work and realized that they had already found it .
6 He had seen its lines in the spectrum , and realized that they did not correspond to any known substance .
7 Validation of the suffering individual , treating him or her with kindness , professional respect and dignity , being open and honest , separating the awareness of the disease from the understanding of the suffering human being , following the distorted reasoning and disturbed actions and accepting that they appeared to the sufferer to be most appropriate at the time they were committed .
8 The child has been shown two sets arranged in one-to-one correspondence , and agreed that they have the same number .
9 He was at times ordered to aid and supervise the royal huntsmen by leading them to those parts of the forest where the game was most plentiful , o supplying them with trained hounds , and seeing that they did not drive the deer out of the forest or continue their hunting longer than their instructions warranted .
10 which I asked if they would stay , but they altogether refused , and seeing that they refused I did not hinder them to go , for I will press no man .
11 She 'd intended the pleasure-bound figures by the lake to be stylized and realised that they looked sinister , as if an architect 's drawing was peopled by a sideshow of grotesques .
12 ( aside ; a ‘ little lad ’ of 18 ) once studies HAMLET in the course of A level lit. and realised that they did n't have pencils in those days — he remains confused ! ) .
13 The Foreign Ministers of Colombia , Mexico and Venezuela signed accords on energy , transport and communications and announced that they planned to create a free-trade zone between their countries by mid-1994 .
14 It was Peirce who first termed such expressions indexical signs , and argued that they determined a referent by an existential relation between sign and referent ( see Burks , 1949 ) Peirce 's category in fact included rather more than the directly Context-dependent expressions that are now called deictic or indexical , and his particular system of categories has not been put to much effective use in linguistic pragmatics ( but see e.g. Bean , 1978 ) .
15 I remember waking up and reaching down automatically and realising that they had shaved me which was my biggest shock .
16 Such patients often differ only in the time taken to reach hospital , and to claim that they differ in any more fundamental way is pure sophistry .
17 Economic historians used to interpret these as " uncultivated holdings " and inferred that they represented a total loss from the landlord 's standpoint .
18 Many people wish to plan their funerals in advance , and to know that they have set aside the money to pay for them :
19 Responsibility for those who deliver the education service requires people to feel and to know that they have a professional responsibility and can be trusted to discharge that .
20 Spittals made great play of tapping the microphones and checking that they worked before he introduced the superintendent .
21 We ordinarily say of causal circumstances and causes that they make their effects happen , but we do not say , and will deny , that effects make either of the two causal items happen .
22 We also say of causal circumstances and causes that they explain their effects , in a sense in which effects do not explain the causal items .
23 The current generation of devices has already established a growing acceptance of electronic media among information users and demonstrated that they have a choice in the way they get access to the resources they need .
24 Those aspects of the context which are directly reflected in the text , and which need to be called upon to interpret the text , we shall refer to as activated features of context and suggest that they constitute the contextual framework within which the topic is constituted , that is , the topic framework .
25 and say that they 've got , have every right to do it .
26 Then they can actually go to the D S S office and say that they need some money urgently and D S S may make a payment .
27 Some try to explain the miracles away and say that they did not happen .
28 What they had said was at the end of the war they aimed at a safe and lasting peace , and to obtain that they demanded a setting up of a League of Nations .
29 After the Fleischmann and Pons press conference in 1989 Jones recalled this early achievement of ‘ breakeven ’ in muon catalysed fusion and joked that they had wondered whether to call a press conference in 1982 and announce that energy output from fusion had been accomplished .
30 Landlords are continuing to issue occupiers of their property with " licence agreements " ; only a very small proportion will appreciate that they are not bound by the agreement they have signed , and realise that they have the right to a fair rent and security of tenure .
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