Example sentences of "and [verb] [that] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is to remind ourselves of the radical demands of God , and to realize that to call the Christian gospel ‘ good news ’ is to concentrate on only half the story .
2 The mixture of usefulness and display that explained the growing importance of the chaplains also lay behind the rise of other household officers .
3 Procedural due process is a matter of the right procedures for judging whether some citizen has violated laws laid down by the political procedures ; if we accept it as a virtue , we want courts and similar institutions to use procedures of evidence , discovery , and review that promise the right level of accuracy and otherwise treat people accused of violation as people in that position ought to be treated .
4 Researchers in Sheffield analysed the contents of several popular brands and found that giving a baby the recommended dose of eight 5ml spoons a day is equivalent to an adult drinking five tots of whisky !
5 Some able and highly motivated visually handicapped people develop sophisticated levels of hearing and touch that astound the fully sighted , but these are not an automatic compensation for poor vision , and there is considerable individual variation in these areas of competence .
6 There is evidence to suggest that many corporations do not have an organizational structure and process that allow the lateral integration of marketing , research , design engineering , financing and manufacturing for the successful conclusion of their business enterprises ; in these organizations , ideas get thrown over the wall rather than worked on collaboratively .
7 But what about self-defence or the shaking and pushing that accompanies the control of an unruly mob ?
8 After about eight issues he picked up a copy and noticed that Bowart-using the same technique he had used to appoint Miles London correspondent — had appointed him , and William Randolph Hearst as editors .
9 Thus UK competition policy is very clearly directed at market behaviour and conduct that affects the supply of goods and services within the United Kingdom .
10 BOUTS of nausea and vomiting that accompany the first months of pregnancy may be good news for the mother , according to two new theories on the cause of morning sickness .
11 But it assumes a dichotomy between nature and supernature that oversimplifies the theologies of the past .
12 Acts that define the powers of the various state organs ( for example , the 1911 and 1949 Parliament Acts ) and acts that define the relationship between Crown and Parliament ( notably the Bill of Rights of 1689 ) , between the component elements of the nation ( the Act of Union with Scotland of 1706 , for example ) , between the United Kingdom and the European Communities ( the 1972 European Communities Act ) , and between the state and the individual ( as with the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 or the Administration of Justice Act of 1960 ) clearly constitute important provisions of the Constitution .
13 For 25 minutes , fabulous figures and floats that owe a great deal to fibre optics and underlit , liquid-nitrogen smoke glide past in a dazzle of light and changing colour .
14 The severe drop down to the lower parts of the garden means it is sensible to provide a physical barrier and this has been cleverly achieved with a seat and barbecue that matches the sweep of the terrace itself .
15 It encourages woman-centred psychologists to ignore the wider discursive structuring of methodology , and to assume that revaluing a traditionally female-identified method positively guarantees its feminism .
16 Careful to avoid the regimentation and overcrowding that characterized the camps of its competitors and anxious to compete in terms of cost , the Association opened the 500 capacity Rogerson Hall camp near Lowestoft in 1938 .
17 The Constitution has undergone much development in the last two centuries , but the concerns and fears that motivated the Founding Fathers have not lost their relevance .
18 In one unbeatable Collection — the starts and sounds that set the whole world rocking !
19 It was a kind of loop and roll that dodged the pursuing aircraft and brought you up behind it .
20 An academic model for building surveying education has been established by the ‘ centres of excellence ’ , and where the shortfall in employment prospects has chilled the ebullience of some job markets , the building surveyor is currently displaying skills and attributes that stimulate a demand and maintain a 100% employment record for the graduates .
21 While the construction of dams , reservoirs and drainage channels has changed the character of the landscape , many irrigation schemes , through mismanagement , have created problems of salinisation and waterlogging that counteract the beneficial effects .
22 Typescripts photocopied and distributed that carried the rivulet of dissent from eye to eye for the few who trusted in a future of change and the ultimate destruction of the monolith that controlled their lives .
23 Then I discovered a section on sailing vessels and decided that travelling the world by schooner was going to be my main occupation post-release .
24 Just occasionally Nails managed it , and saw that finding the rhythm and rising and falling to it was the nub of the whole uncomfortable business , but it did not happen very often .
25 But having prepared the tank to ensure the best possible water quality and filters that have a head start , the maximum stock to begin with is two fish ( though arguably this could mean two 3″ Barbs or a shoal of six 1″ Tetras .
26 The atmosphere of suspicion and intrigue that pervaded the White House , with the President increasingly remote from contact with everyday reality , was also captured by the famous tapes .
27 THEY 'VE been making room for murder at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre , Guildford this week , and proved that given the right stage , crime certainly does pay .
28 The researchers conclude that this may in time result in a depleted population of effectively " domesticated " rhinos , and warn that losing the genetic input of the wilder rhinos would have a dangerous impact on the gene pool .
29 The Lord Lieutenant responded with his personal congratulations to all concerned and said that making a double presentation was a first for him too .
30 His desk may be tidy but the drawers are bulging with bits and bobs that reveal a busy life .
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