Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] again [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Without a word to anybody , I banged on the door , and asked once again for permission to go and wash .
2 Henry III continued to be in desperate need of money , however , and resorted yet again to the expedient of ordering large-scale sales of forest timber .
3 They hankered for the bright lights of the capital , so in early 1778 they sold up and headed once again for London .
4 He retired from architectural practice in 1906 and concentrated once again on his utopian schemes for social and economic reform .
5 Refreshed , and filled once again with energy we set off for the second time that day .
6 He spent all my money , and came home again after a while .
7 He tells her , too , about the toy drawer in which the pencil-case was originally lost , and the characteristic choking dusty smell it would develop as the toys in it became mixed up with each other to form a kind of solid pudding , which had to be taken out at the end of each school holidays , and separated once again into its components .
8 Jonathon 's neck and ears were examined and polished once again for luck with a damp face-cloth and he was instructed to change his shirt .
9 It probably failed for the Mixed Fours were re-introduced as a trial in 1960 and reintroduced yet again in 1974 largely on the initiative of Valerie Wormwald the then Ladies ' Captain .
10 She smacked her lips together , dragged a comb through her hair and marvelled once again at how even simple artifice improves the human face .
11 John listened hard at each introduction and heard , variously , MacMahanon , MacManamon , MacMarneymum , and — once-MacMillan ; he gave up and settled once again for MacMinimum , to which the man invariably answered without so much as the lifting of an eyebrow .
12 Now when the wind blows from the south east and I see willow warblers in the garden , or redwings and fieldfares in the Shetland hills , I can visualise the forests and marshes of Scandinavia where these birds have their summer home , and marvel yet again at the skills and abilities with which nature has endowed the birds which must migrate to survive .
13 There 's always a bad moment , Howard knows , after the porter 's unlocked your room , switched everything on , drawn the curtains , and gone away again with a huge tip because you had only a folder of fresh banknotes in your pocket , when you sit down helplessly and think , well , here we are , this is it , I 've arrived .
14 They set off on 17 January , carried by Captain Hunter 's LRDG patrol and navigated once again by Mike Sadler .
15 Rozanov spent the whole performance scribbling in a notebook , and did so again at the evening performance .
16 But there was concern that , since ‘ it is by no means uncommon for the parties to a fragile marriage to separate and come together again in quick succession on a number of occasions , this would force the courts to enquire into the precise situation at the time of the rape . ’
17 He 's been second in good races at Royal Ascot and Doncaster and ran well again at York last time .
18 Success came overnight in neither case ; but a slow and steady improvement did take place , hauled back on to the right track at intervals by taking out the original contract and referring yet again to the agreed terms .
19 I crawled in a fruitless search all the way back to the tree and then turned and crawled away again on a slightly different line , looking , looking , hope draining away yard by yard in progressive debility , resolution ebbing with failure .
20 Cut the cake in half horizontally and sandwich together again with the chocolate buttercream .
21 Split the cake in half horizontally and sandwich together again with some of the buttercream .
22 A red and black burnet moth landed on her hand , crawled over it and whirred away again into the grass .
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