Example sentences of "and [verb] [pers pn] at [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Harry takes the matchstick out of his mouth and points it at Howard .
2 Having seen and heard him at Buxton , I find it hard to believe claims that he did not solo the South Face of Lhotse : claims , in any case , which Cesen has countered with an explanation .
3 He picked a newly constructed swatch of samples up from the desk in front of him and chucked it at Antinou , who caught the flopping thing one-handed and proceeded to fondle it familiarly .
4 Gail ripped up a brochure and chucked it at Tjolle .
5 If you open it up , if you do get it open , and advertise it at Boddingtons a pound a pint , get them straight to come in .
6 Something which , if I lived to be two hundred years old then went and announced it at St Paul 's Cross , would rock the very throne of England and scandalise the courts of Europe !
7 The Athenians came out and fought them at Tanagra ( 457 ) ; the Spartans first won but then Athens retrieved this defeat under Myronides at Oinophyta two months later .
8 She was at court every time with me , and she came and visited me at Holloway .
9 Especially now that his grandfather is no longer as robust as he once was , and needs him at Arrancay . ’
10 My father used to go and buy them at Lowestoft .
11 ‘ I further said to [ the defendant ] ‘ You set men to watch her , you trail her and found her at Gloria Chin 's house and there you threatened to kill her with your gun , but she escaped you .
12 Henry Tudor found that there was still considerable opposition to him becoming King , particularly from ‘ Yorkshire ’ pretenders , who included Margaret of Burgundy , for whom an Oxford tradesman called Simnel , crossed into England from Ireland , in the summer of 1487 , with a force of two thousand German mercenaries , but Henry — who had become King Henry VII , in September 1485 — raised a larger army and defeated them at Newark .
13 Coleridge 's friend , Thomas de Quincey , wrote his own Gothic novel , Klosterheim , and passed on the infection to James Hogg ( 1770–1835 ) , who , in The Confessions of , a Justified Sinner , borrowed the spectre of the Brocken and installed it at Arthur 's Seat , near Edinburgh .
14 ‘ I 'd like to have hundreds and hundreds of dogs one day and show them at Crufts . ’
15 In the 1930s Lord Aberconway bought the Mill 's Music House , dismantled and reconstructed it at Bodnant in North Wales .
16 The goods are sent on by large waggons , and meet us at Loch Crinan ; while the ‘ Cygnet ’ or the ‘ Plover ’ puffs along right merrily , and we sit down to have a quiet look at the bonnie bits of scenery that are everywhere meeting us .
17 Dunlop rode the Honda which Gawley has had all year and the plan was for Gawley to take over the bike and ride it at Donington .
18 The official guide starts the walk at Calenzana in the north and ends it at Conca , and most walkers tackle it that way .
19 There were quite a few noted cheesemakers in Cotherstone at the time , including the Misses Hutchinson and the Hodgson family , and Aunt Hannah also used to make cheeses with the help of my Aunt Mary , who lived in Lartington , and showed them at Eggleston Show .
20 I 'll take you for a meal and drop you at Ilse 's place afterwards .
21 He grabbed a sandwich off his plate and threw it at Asik .
22 Then he picked up a chair and threw it at Detchard 's legs .
23 Folly grabbed a pillow from behind her and threw it at Luke , then saw his face change with sudden desire as the sheet slipped down to expose her breasts .
24 The other man picked up the dressing gown lying on the end of the bed and threw it at Connelly .
25 He looked desperately around for a weapon , picked up a bowl of hot soup and threw it at Edgar , who started screaming .
26 He seized a brick desperately and threw it at Yussuf .
27 In January 1869 he travelled to Dresden to attend the local premiere of Meistersinger , whose special place in his affections was unchanged , and on 17 May , now at Basle , he was finally able to accept Wagner 's invitation and visit him at Tribschen , his house near Lucerne in Switzerland .
28 Why did n't Charles come down and join them at Mother Bunch 's ?
29 These payments are calculated on 8.75 per cent of the sales value of production from 8.62608 per cent of the Ninian field [ 50 per cent of the Group 's interest in the field ] after deducting Government royalties and operating costs incurred in extracting the oil and conveying and treating it at Sullom Voe .
30 He took out the fragment of the news-sheet and waved it at Thai .
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