Example sentences of "and [verb] [pers pn] be [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Rachel heard someone moaning with pleasure and realised it was her .
2 Then I looked at the chassis and registration numbers and realised it was my old car .
3 She said just press the buzzer and say it 's you cos I 'm , I 'm on my own .
4 He 'd said that if I was asked about it , I should act surprised and say it was nothing to do with me .
5 He told me , some time after we were married , that when he was at school he used to show round a photograph one of his mother 's lovers had taken of part of Versailles , and say it was his grandfather 's rectory in Ireland .
6 ‘ If you do it quickly and say you 're my doctor .
7 PC TONY Spong arrested a man at a burgled petrol station — and found it was his brother .
8 He had said he might be late , after all , and she decided to snatch a few more moments of privacy to recharge her batteries in the one place in the whole luxurious house where she was able to relax and feel she was her own person .
9 She should have said , I do n't know where you got these things , but please put them away before somebody sees the sun glinting off them and assumes it 's me spying on the guests .
10 And let it be it was .
11 Then she smiled , stroking Melanie 's face again , so tenderly that Melanie closed her eyes and imagined it was her own mother caressing her or any mother caressing any child .
12 We wasted days and days dancing in the Pink Pussy Club , yawning at Fat Mattress at the Croydon Greyhound , ogling strippers on Sunday mornings in a pub , sleeping through Godard and Antonioni films , and enjoying the fighting at Millwall Football Ground , where I forced Changez to wear a bobble-hat over his face in case the lads saw he was a Paki and imagined I was one too .
13 He interrupted her thoughts and showed he was himself still on the same track , for he observed , ‘ I 've been called many things in my time , but never a bully , or , ’ he frowned again , ‘ a megalomaniac out of a horror movie . ’
14 Respect all animals and remember you are one too .
15 Intending not to forget her car again , however , Fabia dipped her spoon into her pudding , sampled it , and discovered it was something of a rather superb plum pie , if different from what she knew .
16 He had seen the tremble jelly of a captain 's chin and known it was his uniform and the blue unit tabs that won it .
17 Visions of her mother 's angry face when she told her what she knew changed into dreams of Nigel , back in hospital with bandages on his head , and David Kent with a Porsche , laughing and saying it was his now .
18 They know that the rich did very nicely during the Thatcher years and believe it is they not the poor who should make any sacrifices necessary to get the country out of recession .
19 And use you 're you 're not going it 's not going to be negative is it ?
20 Who 's the complete pillock who thinks he can send commercial programs and pretend they 're his own ?
21 If so , why try to highlight the condition and pretend it is something new ?
22 I used to put a mop on my head and pretend it was my hair .
23 ‘ In any event the system whereby I signed a book full of blank cheques in advance of you writing and issuing them was somewhat of a farce . ’
24 At least in what other poorer women were telling me , when it came to after work and weekends the men were quite the women were prepared to look after the children and felt it was their role to look after the children while the man was at work ; when the man came back he continued to feel that the woman should look after the children erm for the rest of the time , and the idea of a shared child care arrangement did not operate in at least a number of the families that I talked to and had been one of the causes of the breakdown of the marriage and one of the precipitating factors in the man physically abusing the woman .
25 Mary heard the calls and knew it was him but she waited .
26 But when he threw open the door to a room upstairs she saw a trouser-press and a black silk robe flung on a chair and knew it was his bedroom .
27 Mercer Lorrimore was over in England at that time , and stayed and went racing at Newmarket in July , but the Jockey Club found him grimmer than his usual self and understood it was something to do with his son , although he did n't say what .
28 And thought it was somebody else .
29 However , Mr McAllister says that three days after Margaret McLaughlin 's death Beattie did not know her name and thought it was someone else who had died .
30 It reminded her forcibly of the way she had felt when she walked into her flat and saw Damian Flint standing beside Jenny , and thought he was her secret lover .
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