Example sentences of "and [verb] [pers pn] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Timothy Gedge was as ordinary as anyone else , but the ill fortune of circumstances or nature made ordinary people eccentric and lent them colour in the greyness .
2 Well same when we went and found them boys in it !
3 I wrote to Belgium , and found them places in a school in Brussels , which was owned by a Monsieur Héger .
4 Fact , for two pins I 'd have taken the joint out of the oven and put me 'ead in instead .
5 On 22 June , a Saturday , about ten of us manhandled the Wilsons ' caravan on to the Lecky Road , the main artery through the Bogside , and parked it broadside in the middle of the road , stopping all the traffic .
6 England was a civilised country , where policemen were happy to tell you the time and give you directions in the street .
7 I am able to respond to their emergent writing honestly and give it significance in the drama .
8 The ‘ something ’ , after much thought , turned out to be making contact with ‘ moderate ’ Iranians and selling them arms in concert with Israel .
9 It means some bastard not only laid me out cold , and stuck me face-down in the Comer , but even rammed me well down into the mud with a foot in the small of my back to make dead sure of me , before he lit out and left me there to drown . ’
10 Her aim had been to get the girls excited about mathematics , and to give them confidence in their own ability .
11 Start the day as you intend it to continue and take him breakfast in bed on a tray .
12 Now at this stage er it is the plaintiff 's case that Mr er considered that this caused major financial problems , because the property at Frinton was simply not one that was open to him to offer as security , it was clear that the bank would now as he saw it , on the deal that he understood that he 'd struck and he knew that without the bank 's help he would not be able to er proceed with this purchase and operate he business in the way he had wished to .
13 I sat alone in a compartment , coming to terms with the fact that I was free at last and if I wanted to put my feet up on the opposite seat or take off my tie , no one in uniform had the right to bustle in and call me Airwoman in that well-known disapproving voice .
14 His persistence and single-minded determination made him enemies , and his opposition to the granting of new liquor licences offended vested interests and lost him re-election in 1895 .
15 By including the footswitch and having it Velcro in place inside the amp Fender win more Brownie points .
16 ‘ I must thank you for all this and giving me food in the week and I 'm sorry for what I said , it 's just that I 'm not used to people being nice to me .
17 The decision to legalize Northern and Southern opposition groupings and to allow them representation in the transitional parliament only served to increase the sense of optimism surrounding unification .
18 Far from answering immediately with a negative or affirmative answer to his queries , the Blackrag Madonna puts her ruined head on one side , much as a girl of great beauty might do , and asks him questions in return .
19 Don your poke bonnet and gather ye rosebuds in our basket .
20 He promptly re-employed Bobby as his assistant and gave him money in advance so that Hunt could , in turn , pay a nominal rent .
21 Following Alfa 's declining interest in Grand Prix racing Nuvolari moved to Auto Union during the 1938 season and gave them victories in the Italian and British Grands Prix .
22 Baldwin showed them some of the curiosities of the house and gave them tea in the Long Gallery , which lie described with more pride than accuracy as ‘ the finest room in England ’ .
23 This ensures that the modules have not been inadvertently or maliciously tampered with or corrupted and gives you confidence in their integrity .
24 SPINSTER Nina Vessey took a shine to her window cleaner — and left him £170,000 in her will .
25 The coca takes the edge off their appetites and brings them luck in their search for tin .
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