Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [det] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Figures were compared and checked against those provided from the computer print-out , leaving the manager optimistic about his potential success .
2 The sensitivity to contextual manipulations of the latent inhibition produced by lengthy exposure is certainly consistent with the suggestion that a context-stimulus association is responsible for the effect seen at 24 h and contributes to that seen at 4 h .
3 It should be possible to detect and compensate for this using ‘ intelligent ’ software routines , but this would seriously complicate the software .
4 Something like seventy five percent or sixty six or seventy five percent of the , of the units which we actually let , of the houses that we actually let , go to homeless families you know , it is a complete fiction to suggest , or even try and suggest as this does that somehow or other houses are being allocated willy-nilly to people who have massive resources who could go out and buy or rent in the private sector .
5 MEMHS , which employs 180 staff and cares for those suffering from mental illness in the district , first applied to become a NHS trust in its own right last year .
6 While Psion Plc was formerly just a holding company that also conducted research and development , it now undertakes procurement , manufacturing and supply for both trading companies and distributors worldwide .
7 Alexander found that the control group shared the views of the complainants and disagreed with those supporting the managers in 18 out of 20 areas .
8 An official I spoke to said there were no staff to take the train on and we had to leave and wait for another to come along . ’
9 Chromosomal DNA was isolated and purified from each isolate using the guanidium thiocyanate reagent method .
10 I bite my lip and worry about this coming to an end .
11 Based with Knowsley Social Services in Kirkby , Carol 's role is to provide information , advice and support to those caring for a relative or friend with a mental health problems in the Knowlsey area .
12 The undertaking of the welfare of illegitimate children of soldiers who had been killed , the organization of accommodation and support for those evacuated from the western borders of the Reich already in autumn 1939 , or the administration of packages to be sent to relatives at the Front , were all tasks which fell to the Nazi welfare organization , the NSV .
13 One suggestion is that badgers take advantage of the different temperatures and humidities at different times of the year , and support for this has been provided by Dr Roper 's latest badger research , a radio-tracking study with colleague Sean Christian .
14 Bradbury Star won over distances ranging from two miles to 25 furlongs and acts on any going .
15 By the time he had driven through , the door of the integral garage had been swung up and open by those waiting anxiously in the house .
16 Initially what we should all do is go back and look at those draft guidelines for the registration of nursing homes and be prepared to pull them to pieces , not so much for what they are saying but for what they are not saying and ought to be saying in order to be relevant .
17 Partnerships , small scale as well as large , need a clear sense of purpose made explicit in objectives , they need a strategic plan for achieving these objectives which is communicated to and understood by those involved and they need a review and evaluation process built into the whole to determine what is being achieved .
18 And that 's where songs like Destroy The Heart and Christine and Shine On all came from .
19 Rotas for house cleaning , loo disinfecting , washing up , cooker cleaning and decisions about kitty and shopping for basic shared commodities such as tea , coffee , loo paper , need to be clearly written down and displayed for all to see .
20 We sometimes saw elderly people stopping to catch their breath and calling to those descending ‘ Is it far ? ’
21 At the water , she paused and called to those waiting on the shore .
22 This Australian CD is a class introduction to Parsons and his time , from his homespun days with The Shilos , through to the genesis of country rock and closing on some hard-to-get live takes , plus a few epics from ‘ Grievous Angel ’ — his final , whacked-out testimony .
23 Remember your moral crime : that you have now lied twice about why I had written to you in the first place ( Letters report , 5 December ) , and you have lied on purpose and you have done so with manifest contempt and disregard for any say or rights that I may have against your sick sense of ‘ editorship ’ .
24 In the case of some evangelical writers ( though not Barth ) it may also be said that male dominance is fundamental to creation and found in all known human societies .
25 it mapped directly onto the fault-finding model and coped with both experienced and inexperienced personnel .
26 ‘ Counter cultures ’ are groups of people within society whose values and norms are different from and go against those held in the wider society .
27 It did not sit in the hallowed tombs of Stormont or Leinster House , but went out to the border areas , saw the problems and listened to those involved .
28 As part of the Help-Desk Team you will perform a variety of important tasks , including answering international customer enquiries , and dealing with all telephone sales leads .
29 He had a zealous nurse , ’ said Owen , and laughed at some thought of his own .
30 £15,000 per annum revenue grant to each of two church-based furniture stores — Leeds and Moortown ( Baptist ) and St Jude SVP ( RC ) — over a three-year period , enabling essential items such as beds , cookers , tables etc to be collected from donors and delivered to those needing them .
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