Example sentences of "and [verb] out over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rather than watch them go , I stayed by the sink and gazed out over the playing fields .
2 Lady Ursula Berowne sat immobile in her sitting room on the fourth floor of 62 Campden Hill Square and gazed out over the top boughs of the plane trees as if at some far distant unseeable vista .
3 They did not immediately sit down , but leaned on the low parapet and gazed out over the river and the mountains , she with her head inclined towards his , he with a hand resting on her shoulder .
4 Turning her head , Polly sipped her coffee and gazed out over the expanse of water .
5 Lissa wandered over to the window and gazed out over the expanse of carefully tended shrubbery that bordered the car park .
6 He stands and looks out over the lights of London .
7 ‘ Sometimes , ’ said Bernard , ‘ I too feel like going to a hotel somewhere and looking out over a blue Mediterranean sea .
8 He is standing as he must have stood that afternoon on the shore of the Gulf of San Miguel , four-square and haughty , bucklered , helmeted , spurred , and looking out over the greatest ocean in the world .
9 A dolphin school will often divide up into subgroups while searching for food , which separate and spread out over a wide area of sea , still diving synchronously — evidence that they are probably in some form of acoustic contact .
10 The flood-water 'll just go right up there and spread out over the town .
11 In addition the epicuticle may include a superficial lipid layer ( Lockey , 1960 ) covered by a protective cement layer of unknown composition ; the cement layer is secreted by epidermal glands and poured out over the surface .
12 The long flats , like the rounds , offer versatility : much colour can be loaded on the brush and drawn out over the painting surface , or shorter dabs can easily be applied and manipulated without the brush hairs giving way .
13 I like any types of music , except The Smiths , The Cure , etc I like movies , fun and going out over the weekend to have a good old boogie- Write to Julie …
14 There was little to do all day but climb in the old beeches and look out over the forest to see where the smoke plumes were .
15 Explore the underground installations , browse in the museum , stand by the guns and look out over the Channel as gunners did in two wars .
16 To understand the senator 's point , take the lift to the top of Louisiana 's state capitol , Huey Long 's quixotic replica of the Empire State Building , and look out over the acres of petrochemical plants below .
17 We sit on a thoughtfully placed bench with our backs against a hollow in the hillside and look out over the island , back towards Fionnphort , to the beginning of our long journey homeward .
18 Then I get up out of the creaking seat and stretch my legs , taking my glass over to the floor-to-ceiling windows which form one wall of the ballroom and look out over the gardens to the railway line and the shore of the loch .
19 ‘ Yeah , well , ’ Andy says , coming to stand near me and look out over the water .
20 His streaming muzzle and look out over the meadows ,
21 She wanted to stand on the balcony and look out over the roofs , listen to the strange sounds and watch the cars and scooters rushing by in the street below .
22 On my perch , arms wrapped tightly round the shrouds , I was alternately laid back over the deck and thrust out over the water .
23 When our turn came , I could see the rifles and guns lying on the table and the long queue of lorries , leaving the land of oranges far behind and spreading out over the winding roads of Lebanon .
24 ‘ Besides , I fancy a change , ’ she added , raking her hair from her forehead and staring out over the balcony of the apartment .
25 ‘ When we pulled out of Jaffa , I stood on the stern and looked out over the old city , ’ he said .
26 He moved again to the eastern window and looked out over the cottages of the headland .
27 She took her hand away , leaned on the rail and looked out over the sea .
28 She stood up , stretched , then moved to the window and looked out over the busy concourse .
29 Benin eased the velvet curtains apart and looked out over the brightly lit garden .
30 Finally we sat in the hide open to the general public and looked out over the wide expanse of water at Low Ellers .
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