Example sentences of "and [verb] her [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Tracey was in one of his self-pitying moods , and expected her to do something about it .
2 I showed the article to my wife — a mathematician — and asked her to remind me about ‘ eigen analysis of the covariance matrix [ z ] ’ etc , but I gather that such analysis is not exactly commonplace or entirely obvious !
3 Then he pulled her towards him and asked her to give him a kiss , but she pulled away quickly when she saw Mum 's scowl .
4 In his mind he spoke another girl 's name ; a girl long dead , and asked her to forgive him .
5 But she found hardly anyone who wanted to talk to her afterwards apart from an American girl who admired her frock , and asked her to guess what they had had for luncheon .
6 Her unfortunate gaffe over tea made it impossible for Elisabeth to offer any excuse when Mitzi Baum accosted her on the stairs on the way to dinner and asked her to share her table .
7 She tried reading him Wordsworth and Tennyson and Browning but he would sigh and interrupt her when she did , so she went back to the lighter Kipling poems and he would lie and grin happily to himself and make her read his favourite passages over and over again .
8 And she let it force out the delighted cry ‘ Daniel ! ’ and make her hug him and kiss him — even while the darkness and the ice returned within .
9 Pip has never really thought about his features until this point and from then on wants to be a gentleman because he has instantly fallen in love with Estella and wants to impress her , and make her love him .
10 Earlier he ends chapter three with a hint of humour saying that many people are not what they seem despite the appearances and begs her to try her utmost not to be worse than she appears , concluding : Here the word " form " is ambiguous referring to his writing as well as to a life-style .
11 Some moment when she , as a child , was on the verge of doing something wrong , and he could have fulfilled a father 's role and made her do it .
12 Very gently , as to a wild animal , I reached out my hand and made her turn her head .
13 He gave her precise directions , and made her repeat them .
14 One of the Germans stationed in the house got suspicious of Antoinette hanging about near the cellar door and made her give him the key and go down there with him so he could see what she was hiding .
15 She watched and listened as he sat on the bed , held the frightened woman 's hand and made her believe it too .
16 she dragged Emma in there she dragged Emma in there and made her kiss him , made him kiss her .
17 He unlocked a padlock into a smallish barn — the key was in the padlock waiting — and got her to help him push the wooden doors back .
18 Eustace Tolby went down to see her yesterday , and got her to sign something .
19 Yes , that was it — apprehension — because the moment Silas realised her true reason for being there he 'd turn on the ice and send her to pack her suitcase .
20 He spread an artist 's folio before her , untied the ribbons with delicate fingers , and invited her to lay it open .
21 When Rune successfully tried his luck at a shooting gallery and invited her to choose which prize she wanted , she selected a paperweight in the form of the Little Mermaid sitting on her rock .
22 He understood , and helped her lift it onto her hip .
23 Her feet felt sharp and heavy and round ; her toes like horn ) , and implored her to set her any task , she 'd undertake any ordeal , in return for restoring the bird to human shape and then setting him free .
24 Any minute and he would be inviting her through to the bedroom and urging her to call him Alexander !
25 ‘ I rang Carla and told her to leave my man alone but she put the phone down on me , ’ Jerry is reported to have said .
26 The kitchen and the one spare bedroom were constantly , noisily occupied , the doorbell rang at all hours , and once , answering it , a man she had never seen struck her on the side of the head with an empty bottle and told her to leave his wife alone .
27 " Crist see well she shuld haue be dampned for synne " so he appeared to her in her sleep , wounded as in his Passion , and told her to put her hand into his side and even to feel his internal organs and heart , commenting that if he is thus open with her , why is she so ashamed to reveal to him the secrets of her heart ?
28 I gave her your number and told her to give me five minutes to warn you first .
29 When she tried to take the boxes he summoned Frederica with a touch of his old asperity , and told her to make herself useful .
30 She swallowed and slid her leg over the saddle behind him , and he put her feet on the rests and told her to wrap her arms round him .
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