Example sentences of "and [verb] she [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I should have knelt beside her and put my arms around her and promised her that she would be freed from the hell of anhedonia , and that there really was a God and that she did have the strength to tear herself free from cocaine , as others had freed themselves , and I should have assured her that there was true happiness without a drug , but I did not know her well enough to embrace her , so I just let her weep as the sun streaked up in glory from the east .
2 I rang her from your flat just before we left , and told her that we 'd be arriving later .
3 I went to Helen and told her that something heavy was happening , I was n't sure what it was , but I had to leave her now .
4 Pen had hung flags on the balcony of the Casa Guidi — one French , one Italian — and told her that he was paid in scudi to give to the war if he did his lessons well .
5 He relaxed her and told her that he quite appreciated her anxiety and fear , and the fact that she was experiencing so much pain .
6 He had held her in his arms and told her that he loved her , and she had never doubted him .
7 After they ordered , Wickham toyed with a table knife and told her that he knew where the ones which had been sent to her and Tavett had come from .
8 Leith had been at G Vasey Ltd for two months when Sebastian , with his usual exuberance , came home from his travel agent 's job and told her that he was flying off to India on Friday for a holiday .
9 It is admitted that there was er such a letter and er on this occasion er Miss evidence is that having heard that the landlords consent for the assignment still had n't been obtained , asked Mr again whether it was possible in view of that , er to withdraw from the contract and er it is case that again Mr repeated the advice he 'd given to Mr two days earlier and told her that it was not possible and that again is denied .
10 I contacted my social worker and told her that I could not stay at this place and that she would have to find me a Cheshire Home .
11 Three days later , Richard came along to Grace early in the morning , and told her that there was a call for her .
12 She dreamed of becoming a chef at school , but her domestic science teacher hated her and told her that she would never be a cook .
13 He remembered Gina 's summing-up of Eleanor 's character and told her that she only saw people as shits because she was n't woman enough to hold a man .
14 Later on that day another cousin told Violet that the bungalow would be hers and finally Mr Crowden spoke to her and told her that she would be entitled to keep the bungalow and the personal chattels , and receive a legacy of £5,000 .
15 He was doubtful and told her that she would have to ask the Queen 's private secretary for approval .
16 Dalgliesh thanked her and told her that she could go home as soon as she had checked with Detective-Sergeant Reynolds in the library that he had all the necessary information about where she had spent the previous evening .
17 The Princess discussed Enya 's music with her in detail , and told her that she is a big fan .
18 But her annoyance returned when Jenny came in a little while later and told her that she had asked Matthew to dinner .
19 In the days of the Raj , British passengers on the Rajputana State Railway received enviable attention : this handbook is a personalized itinerary for Miss Baring and warns her that she may be kept awake by one train driver 's ‘ unpleasant whistle ’ .
20 He found a rusty man-trap in a cupboard — an evil contraption of chains and springs and teeth — and assured her that it had taken the leg off more than one poacher in its day .
21 After a few days its rightful owner came to collect it and informed her that it was in fact a ferret .
22 During the first consultation a great deal of time was taken up listening to Maxine 's story and reassuring her that her problem was not incapable of being solved , although at that stage I was not quite certain how long this would take .
23 Nahum was immediately contrite , apologizing for his hesitation and assuring her that her health was more important than anything else , especially if there was the longed-for reason for her tiredness .
24 For a moment he was tempted to keep on climbing , to knock at her door and tell her that something was wrong ; but what then ?
25 ‘ Talk to her when we 've gone and tell her that we 're going to get a doctor to come .
26 We 'll also have to ring grandma and tell her that we wo n't be coming to her house today cos we wo n't be going swimming .
27 As she lay , tense and isolated in her room , Constance longed for her mother to push open the door and come and talk to her , and tell her that her imaginings were all wrong .
28 How can I just ring her out of the blue and tell her that her daughter has married the first Italian she 's met , without telling any of us ? ’
29 What 's more , I 'd love you to lecture to my confounded wife in that fashion and tell her that her rotten complacent way of life is over .
30 And tell her that my party will become an engagement party . ’
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