Example sentences of "and [verb] she [prep] he " in BNC.

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1 He put an arm round her and hugged her to him in the familiar , easy fashion she was used to .
2 He reached out again and hugged her to him briefly .
3 He threw his head back with laughter then hauled her to her feet and hugged her to him .
4 He put his arms round her waist and hugged her to him , gazing long and deeply into her eyes .
5 He rolled their bodies over and pinned her beneath him .
6 He was straightening slightly , slipping his free hand round her waist and gathering her against him .
7 He leaned forward again , and caught her to him , savagely , all his perfect manners gone .
8 His language was a mixture of Czechoslovakian and English then , as , ‘ Moje milá , sweet miláčku , I love you so very much , ’ he cried , and cradled her against him , kissing her cheek , the corner of her left eye before , one of his hands moving to the back of her head , he adjusted her position until the skin of her cheek was against his .
9 Mr Browning sighed and put his arms round his wife 's heaving shoulders and drew her to him .
10 He knelt down by her chair and drew her to him .
11 He put his arm around her and drew her towards him .
12 He wanted to press his mouth to her softly parted lips and taste the sweetness within , he wanted to push aside the loosely tied neck of her shift and let his hand savour the warmth of her flesh , he wanted to lay her back on the bed and hold her against him as he had at the river-crossing ; he wanted her .
13 It was like swimming in warm darkness , only her slender arms around his neck holding her upright as his hands caressed her body and moulded her against him .
14 Snaking out one strong brown hand , Nathan caught the nape of her neck and hauled her towards him .
15 He stopped and turned her towards him and tried to kiss her on the mouth .
16 Delaney took her shoulders , and turned her towards him .
17 His hand captured her face and turned her towards him in the old domineering manner but his eyes were not at all hard .
18 ‘ It was a long time ago , ’ Roman said softly , slipping his arm round her waist and holding her against him as they walked .
19 He held his coat open , and called her to him .
20 Patrick grasped her hand and pulled her to him .
21 But the attack , when it came , came from an entirely unexpected quarter , leaving her completely without defence , as in one easy move he thrust his long fingers into her mane of hair and pulled her to him , his mouth silencing the startled cry on her lips .
22 Travis closed his eyes in pain for a second , and then almost as if he could n't help himself he reached out a hand and pulled her to him , pressing a kiss on her hair .
23 After a while , he withdrew his hand , put his arm round her shoulders , and pulled her towards him , and kissed her .
24 It was so insultingly different from the embrace he had seen her allow Underwood earlier in the day , that on a mad impulse he made a clumsy grab at her , and pulled her towards him , with a hollow imitation of a roguish laugh .
25 He reached behind her head and pulled her towards him , kissing her lingeringly on her lips .
26 As he grinned and pulled her towards him , kissing her in a gentle , careful , comradely fashion on the forehead to seal their agreement , she knew that her crush on Dr Tom Russell was over , and something else — something better and more real , she hoped — had taken its place .
27 His dark brows rose in astonishment at this attack and then he slid his arms round her and pulled her towards him , looking down at her with the sort of expression a grown-up reserved for a naughty child .
28 Taking her completely by surprise , he caught hold of her arm and pulled her towards him .
29 No , it was a candle from the statue of the Madonna where they had met , and then he put his arms around her , each one was long enough to cradle her on its own , and pulled her against him , he was warm and firm like newly-baked loaves , and the taste of his tongue was sweet and salt at the same time .
30 But when Dane sat down and pulled her against him , wrapping his arms warmly about her , she knew the time for running was over .
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