Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] over the " in BNC.

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1 He straightened up and gazed anxiously over the end of the bed at her .
2 Rather than watch them go , I stayed by the sink and gazed out over the playing fields .
3 Lady Ursula Berowne sat immobile in her sitting room on the fourth floor of 62 Campden Hill Square and gazed out over the top boughs of the plane trees as if at some far distant unseeable vista .
4 They did not immediately sit down , but leaned on the low parapet and gazed out over the river and the mountains , she with her head inclined towards his , he with a hand resting on her shoulder .
5 Turning her head , Polly sipped her coffee and gazed out over the expanse of water .
6 Lissa wandered over to the window and gazed out over the expanse of carefully tended shrubbery that bordered the car park .
7 ‘ So am I. ’ Heather turned again to the opening and gazed hard over the fields to where the spirals of smoke were rising behind the bushes .
8 The longer upper tusks grow upwards through the skin and curve backwards over the eyes .
9 This way the lining stretches as easily as the knitted skirt and fits smoothly over the waist .
10 Dawn Run took the lead from the start and hopped nimbly over the first two fences .
11 Then he jumped on to his black horse , and rode off over the moor with the hounds running and crying around him .
12 Humpbacks , sperms and rorquals formed the basis of an extensive antarctic whaling industry , which began in 1904 at a single whaling station on South Georgia and expanded enormously over the next three decades , making use of both shore stations and pelagic fleets .
13 Serves 4. 4 lamb steaks , about 675g ( 1½ lb ) 4 garlic cloves , skinned and crushed 3 tbs extra virgin olive oil 450ml ( ¾ pint ) dry cider 225g ( 8oz ) trimmed leek 100g ( 4oz ) potato 25g ( 1oz ) spinach and parsley , mixed 4 tbs single cream or low-fat fromage frais Crush garlic and rub well over the lamb .
14 Mix the herbs into the softened butter and rub all over the lamb .
15 The contents of all of them had been pulled out and scattered all over the floor .
16 The Soviet statistics were terribly messy and scattered all over the place but Davies and Barker finally succeeded in teasing them out and knocking them into some sort of shape .
17 Or you can simply sabotage the thing by coughing loudly and exploding all over the place and then of course they simply ca n't use it .
18 The costs will be in the region of £30,000 to £60,000 for full optical systems , but entry level systems for hypermedia , CD-ROM , WORM and videodisk technology can be obtained off-the-shelf at the moment , and built up over the next five to ten years .
19 The arm uncurled onto Richard 's chest and moved there over the nipples and down onto the tensing stomach .
20 But the elephants went gaily dancing and trumpeting away over the mountains , through Roumania and Georgia , through Turkey , Iran , and Afghanistan , until they came to their native land .
21 A wind was gathering at the coast , preparing to sweep across the fields , lean against the few trees and race on over the road , across to the far side of the island .
22 He stands and looks out over the lights of London .
23 Defries and Ace crawled up to a hollow , and peered cautiously over the lip .
24 Shouting and blasting all over the loud speakers !
25 Her heart felt amazingly light , and she knew it was because of Tom and the way they were talking and laughing together over the morning 's task .
26 There 's no way that a farrier can shoe a horse that is so angry or frightened that it is rearing and leaping all over the place .
27 The relative positions of the players changed and changed again over the second half and , as we waited on the eighteenth tee , Miguel had edged yet again one shot ahead of Jack .
28 What has changed , and changed radically over the period from the late 1960s to the early 1980s , has been the perception of that culture .
29 Bakhramov 's opinion that an extra-time shot by Geoff Hurst had hit the underside of the crossbar and bounced down over the goal-line prompted Swiss referee Gottfried Dienst to allow the goal which gave England a 3–2 lead .
30 Montreal is an unusual city , made up of 50 villages which have grown and merged together over the years to form the modern conurbation : about 100 square kilometres in size ( 60 square miles ) , encircled by the St. Lawrence River .
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