Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He found his father 's suits , carefully folded and smelling even now of camphor , and his mother 's wedding dress , the silk rotting and the lace yellow with age .
2 The chaplain went white as snow and fainted straight out of the pulpit .
3 This provides medical , laboratory , and nursing back up for the village outreach programme and deals with health problems of local townspeople .
4 They would be bound to seek the help of the pollsters , and we 've all seen and heard quite enough of them .
5 Lights and sound tower up and race across the ceiling to crash down and disappear once more into blackness .
6 Return to the lying position and repeat twice more to the same side .
7 Cedric sank happily on to the tattered hearthrug at his feet and gazed up adoringly at his new master .
8 She had turned away at once and gazed again out to sea .
9 Having changed this stage in the argument to his liking , Dwight Kronweiser began contemplating his next deathless paragraph , and gazed fixedly ahead of him as polysyllabic concepts moved through his mind like heavy artillery on parade .
10 With a little inner sigh Shiona turned to the window and gazed out thoughtfully at the loch .
11 Cranston squatted down with his back to the wall , smacked his lips and gazed hungrily up at the hams and other meats hanging from ropes on the rafters to be cured .
12 Alexandra now lifted him on to her lap , where he immediately settled , plugged his thumb into his mouth and gazed pityingly down at his brothers and sister .
13 He launched a great shout of : ‘ Espérance Percy ! ’ behind him , waved a hand at the squire who carried his guidon , settled his lance , and plunged headlong down into the river at the ford they had marked out for the centre , and out again in a flurry of muddy spray on the levels beyond , with the whole company of his knights and squires and mounted men-at-arms hurtling after him .
14 Then he kicked his horse forward and led on out of the yard .
15 Above the cave we found an overgrown track which soon emerged onto bare rock and led steeply up to the cliff edge .
16 The choice by the Queen of Lord Home in 1963 was of some importance since the circumstances in which it took place illustrated the difficulties of the process and led fairly quickly to the adoption by the Conservative Party of a leadership election process that was designed ( like the Labour Party 's leadership election ) to make the choice of a Prime Ministerial successor a constitutional formality .
17 But they were solid , and led safely up to the ruined top of the wall where another , larger slab made a good view point .
18 Well erm my Lord I do n't know whether you 'd like to take certainly the rest of the afternoon and sit again tomorrow at ten thirty to get a clean start , having read all the documentation or whether you feel that you could read it before then .
19 When we came out of the Clerecia , after dipping hands in the holy water stoup and placing a drop on each other 's brows , as we had seen the novios and novias do ( the boy on entering a church would dip his hand in the water and transfer a drop to his fiancée 's fingertip so that they could cross themselves in unison ) , we would go into La Casa de las Conchas next to the Clerecia , with elaborate wrought-iron window-grilles and its tranquil courtyard , and sit there quietly for a while , thinking of the next poem , or of the one we were working on .
20 ‘ You just forget about our two up at the farm and sit down here with me , by the fire . ’
21 Claire was a very good-looking woman , Harvey considered , watching her pour a drink and sit down opposite to him .
22 A mist is applied to a limited area and wiped over immediately with the cloth .
23 ‘ Despite the new Golf 's unadventurous styling , ’ I wrote , ‘ Volkswagen deserves an accolade for putting its commercial weight and influence so heavily behind safety and environmental concerns … consistent emphasis on durability and reliability … inspired engineering of the VR6 version … ‘
24 Without a word to anybody , I banged on the door , and asked once again for permission to go and wash .
25 Economic perceptions were fairly predictable in the Pre-Campaign Wave and became more so towards the end of the campaign .
26 The villages were remote and became more so with every mile they flew .
27 Baldwin was uneasy about the reaction to the so-called pact , and became more so as a violent storm of influential criticism burst over his head , The editor of The Times , most of the bishops ( even Lang of Canterbury ) , and the whole of the liberal establishment were horrified at the sell-out .
28 To reach Ariel and her mother , he had to cross the stream ; he did so , night after night , using stepping stones over unearthly flashes of phosphorescence in the water , and stepping up on to the further bank , still unwilling , still keeping his mind on Rebecca and the love he had sworn to her , until once more he found himself at the entrance of Ariel 's cabin , once more gave orders to the guard to leave him , and entered to speak to her , disturbing her rest , though she had come to expect his call ; then after their unsatisfactory exchanges , he would lift the fronds at the entrance and leave again , only to succumb once more , and toss himself off in rage and helplessness , before he skulked back to Belmont .
29 The number of domes used increased and larger buildings had many , all on cylindrical drums and placed almost haphazardly on the building .
30 ‘ On the other hand , if you 're a character actress you 're allowed much more freedom to question the role you 've been given , and to go more deeply into it to find a means of playing the part .
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