Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 THIS is usually the jolliest month of the year because you can justify buying up the High Street and nursing lots of hangovers .
2 Zakopane , Poland 's leading mountain resort , is open throughout the year and offers lots of facilities for holidaymakers of all ages .
3 We found out that the sitting room had a timber panelled ceiling which had been papered over and given lots of coats of whitewash .
4 Suppose , for example , Bill is very forthcoming and has lots of ideas on possible criteria .
5 The people in Nepal are Hindus or Buddhists and they believe that they can get to God by going and praying lots of times , chanting , putting special dye on their cheeks , on their erm foreheads and making sacrifices .
6 And expect plenty of spills this Bank Holiday Monday at Kingston Bagpuize near Abingdon .
7 5029 is due to remain at Bury until the end of February , and is subject to a six steamings a month agreement , so it should see extensive use , and provide plenty of opportunities to experience GW ( four-cylinder power in Lancashire ) .
8 But when they were sitting at the oval table in the dining-room , eating Mrs Purry 's admirable steak and kidney pudding and drinking a full-bodied Burgundy , Penelope found herself next to Rupert , who talked very pleasantly about Italy , remembering that Penelope was shortly to visit Rome with the parish party , and told her of things she ought to see and restaurants where she might eat .
9 Mum had been so kind and prepared lots of meals for us all so there was n't much in the kitchen to be done at the time .
10 cos in New York they sort of like they have a chat and the wo they 've got some nice looking bird , right , and some sort of normal bloke off the street and they just sort of talk about New York and show lots of pictures of it
11 Yorkshire Bank , a regional bank owned by National Australia Bank , put its clearing out to tender and received lots of bids ; RBS retained the business .
12 And put plenty of newspapers down .
13 Lenin tirelessly reiterated Clausewitz 's dictum , ‘ war is a tool of policy ’ , not only to establish the subordination of generals to politicians , but to legitimise war and divest it of taboos .
14 Jacques loves history and collected lots of brochures to take home with him .
15 Glossily produced and containing lots of advertisements from local businesses ( eighteen of the thirty pages were advertising ) , Looking Right delighted in flippancy .
16 ‘ It has become clear that people know there is a very real choice between the Tories who would privatise the National Health Service and starve it of funds and Labour who would invest in it and modernise it , ’ she said .
17 Soldiers searched all voters as they entered the school gates and relieved them of pocket-knives , heavy belts , walking-sticks and a few more obviously offensive weapons .
18 Bandage the knee in a slightly flexed position and allow plenty of turns , especially below the kneecap .
19 I was dabbling with drugs and doing plenty of drugs and also I 'd become very arrogant .
20 But is it true that we learn just by virtue of being busy and having lots of experiences ?
21 The replicase apparatus immediately gets to work and manufactures lots of copies of the newly introduced RNA molecules , which spread through the test-tube .
22 And do lots of things that I knew he was capable of doing .
23 So , go for skeleton notes — and leave plenty of margins and space round your notes .
24 Well I really you know , felt that that was a good experience , to see people who were normally classed as powerless , having erm that kind of strength within themselves and and the the power to push on and to face lots of difficulties .
25 This saddened us all , but I suppose it was inevitable , and reminded me of things I saw during the 1940 Blitz on London when living in the northern outskirts of the city but working near Hadley Wood , with weekly trips down to our offices at Kings Cross railway terminus .
26 I got your first letter to Nanking on Saturday , and had plenty of letters at Sian — I 'm not sure that I got them all , in particular I got a letter from Tom sent on March 23 , but I 'm not sure whether that 's the one you referred to , anyway I 'm grateful to you all for keeping me in touch .
27 ‘ He was very likeable and had lots of friends .
28 ‘ We kept in touch regularly by long-distance phone call , and wrote lots of letters .
29 They should be advised to avoid sudden cold , hypoxic conditions and infections and to take plenty of drinks , especially when hot .
30 And lost lots of dogs .
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