Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Tracey was in one of his self-pitying moods , and expected her to do something about it .
2 They gave me a line of coke , and asked me to do it for them .
3 She rung me up and asked me did I want a microwave oven ?
4 Social Services or somebody to do with or somewhere contacted him and asked him to do it but they paid all cash .
5 Er , I 've had a word with Jeremy about decorating , oh Florrie I must apologise I did try to ring you , I think I managed to get everybody else , erm but you were n't there , in and then I , I left it I regret to say , erm but we thought perhaps we ought to have the kitchen re-decorated and I 've had a word with Jereminy , Jereminy , Jeremy and he says about two hundred pounds and I did get permission from some of you and I 've gone ahead and asked him to do it and he said about three weeks , but before we can have that done , in the meantime , the roof leaked again out in the kitchen Erm , so I 've had a word with Peter who was going on holiday and he should be home this week and he said he will look at it as soon as he 's home , so I 'll give him a ring , I 'll try tomorrow night , I 'm out tonight , I 'll try and give him a ring tomorrow .
6 I went up to the union and reported it and asked them to do something about it .
7 And helping them to do it , ’ said Breeze zealously ; but Gay shook her head .
8 And make him do it , do it .
9 And goes what do you call them , fucking Whitney Houston !
10 Some moment when she , as a child , was on the verge of doing something wrong , and he could have fulfilled a father 's role and made her do it .
11 Sergeant-Chef Gibeau leant over , tapped me on the forefinger with a table knife and told me to do them up again .
12 No , she co come and told me did you ask Emma out ?
13 An aide had apparently taken him aside and told him to do something fast about his image .
14 If we understand a horse 's emotions we are more likely to succeed in getting it to do what we want , and prevent it doing what we do n't want .
15 They also enjoy reviewing experiences so when you 've done a role play , the reflector will actually get a lot out of doing feedback , standing back and analyzing what did I do well , what did I do less well and they actually learn a lot from that as well the role play .
16 Is it not time he retired and let somebody do something ?
17 So after that I just lay there and let him do what he wanted and he would complain about that too .
18 Why do n't we just go to Keith 's and let him do something ?
19 And you stand by and let him do it
20 And it 's three little jobs and let him do it .
21 I 've found that after a few years experience you can tell , you just can you know ; which even if you 've got a group with two very imaginative kids in , who can play instruments really well , and the others sit back and let them do it , then you might give the difference between two out of ten and nine out of ten for effort in the same group , but for the overall effect they would then get the same mark for the group thing .
22 It is worth considering how to start the investigation : whether to do a bit yourself first to get them going , or work with the whole class as a large group , or just state the problem and let them do it all .
23 He lay back limp as a rag and let her do it , the way he always let people do things for him , not lifting a finger .
24 It 's just — I want to go home and tell them to shut up about the exam results and let me do my own thing and leave me alone .
25 ‘ Go away and let me do my work , or we 'll be running on one staff nurse and half an aspirin . ’
26 ’ Then waive your share and let me do it alone , ’ I suggested .
27 Senses ( b ) and ( c ) however can both be treated in terms of the notion of " passively experiencing " some event , with ( b ) implying on top of that a refusal to stand by passively and let someone do something without intervening .
28 ‘ I 'll be quite happy to wipe it all off and let you do it yourself , if you 'd rather , ’ Shae returned evenly , already reaching for the pot of cleansing-cream .
29 Well I think in common with most local authorities we 've been playing a sort of cat and mouse game with Central Government over the last ten years , where we have attempted to continue to deliver the services that we believe we 've been elected to deliver , and Central Government has been trying to close off what it would see as loopholes and gain control of us and stop us doing what it does n't want us to do , but of course it 's a rather unequal struggle and the cat and mouse analogy is quite a good one in that Central Government has all the power and is able to erm take control of us to the extent now that the budget that both the City and the County Council have set for the coming year has effectively been set by Central Government .
30 If , somebody turns your T V off and says what did you watch on T V , Neighbours a , what did you do after that ?
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