Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the long evenings she worked in the garden and planned what bulbs she would plant for spring flowers .
2 And to stimulate their observation we must give them suitable subjects , within their personal experience — and we must see that they get the experience of looking and observing the visual world around them .
3 According to an apocryphal story he was stopped in the foyer and asked what advice he would give to an eager undergraduate embarking on a career .
4 Charles called Peregrine a sadist and asked what point there was in teaching cooks and clerks to ski .
5 All thought it unsafe or ugly or both , and asked what use it would be once the exhibition was over .
6 I spoke to the NRA this morning and asked what consultations it had with the Environmental Advisory Unit of Liverpool University Ltd. before the unit produced its chapter of the full-length study on the Cardiff bay barrage proposal .
7 Emperor Frederick showed him great kindness and asked what reward he wanted for playing so well upon the bagpipes .
8 I did not know what to do or where to go , so I approached a very nice policeman , told him I was from the country and asked which gate I should use .
9 The defendant in Allen v. Simmons ( 1978 Q.B.D. ) offered just one set of glasses and asked his audience who would pay him 30 pence for the set .
10 A referendum on Maastricht would give everyone the opportunity both to understand it and to debate its implications themselves .
11 King David shows us the way when he says , ‘ It is good to give thanks to the Lord … and make thy praise our pride . ’
12 I waited around a few minutes and had a chance to talk with Tony Dorigo and met his mother who works in the Digital office in Birmingham .
13 He knew at once of a house to let for a whole year , the owners being abroad and failing to let it before they left last month and seeing my condition he took pity and had the caretaker prevailed upon to come to me at his premises .
14 Go — and bring me word what 's happened ! ’
15 And he sent for the Bishop of Valencia , and took their vows and made them plight themselves each to the other according as the law directs .
16 Marcella Tate came to the Incident Room and made her statement which added nothing to the sum of their knowledge .
17 It was empty , Jo was by this time awake ( having crept earlier to bed ) , but she did n't move for fear of her father 's anger interpreting his shouts of rage , she gathered that her mother was gone and realising what damage he could consequently do to her and her baby , she knew that she had to escape .
18 Yet under the Act the Central Authority had clear responsibility for coordination and financial policy , and to enforce its powers it had , in the last resort , powers of direction , though only the Minister had powers of dismissal .
19 Take each Fanatic model and declare which direction it will be moving in .
20 Once she 's done a course in massage and has her certificate she can work here .
21 Their lenses are much thicker and it is thought that these species lived where there was little light and needed thick lenses to collect and concentrate what light there was .
22 Choose a product ( eg sportswear ) and say what theme you would use for each month of the year , eg January winter holidays/ski equipment June Wimbledon / tennis outfits
23 ‘ When I got back and found your note I did n't think for a minute that it was because you thought I was the father of the child .
24 John is quite a character and loves his role which includes shouting out the news four times a day .
25 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another .
26 ‘ Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another ’ ( Col. 3:13 ) .
27 You can only suggest ways they might go about it and provide what help you think they might need .
28 Oh , yes , I knew Marlowe the playwright and helped him stage his play Edward II .
29 On reading this inventory and understanding its meaning one is left with the firm impression that seventeenth-century glassmaking was a sophisticated business .
30 On the other hand , if I did slip and break my hip I should no doubt be dead by the morning .
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